Plus 1. It all depends on the window manufacturer, really. Some of them are a real pain to get out of the frame, others trap water and cause dripping if you’re not super careful. But some are an absolute dream to tilt (like the newer Marvins), and I can just blow through them. The older Marvins were some of the most stubborn pains in the neck, though.
I used to belong to the non tilter clan but to save my knees from early replacement due to climbing ladders so much I started tilting as often as possible. Curiously, I haven’t had any knee pain so far this year.
They do sell a kit to lean the windows on. I always tilted against my chest but it’s not the most comfy.
Nope, not too comfy, and if you drop it there are a lot of bad things that can happen.
I set the window right on my pouch of towels and reach over. It helps to have long arms too
I have a scar above my right eyebrow from a crappy old vinyl tilt in. Unbeknownst to me, the latches were broken, and as I was lowering the upper sash, it swung down on me (the window was set high on the wall). It was the second window out of 200+ like it at a commercial job we did a few years back. Thankfully they had an infirmary on site and got me checked out right away. But what a headache
Depends on be size if the window also. Small DH. Easy Peasy. The bigger ines are …well not so easy as we all know
Years ago many years. I was working with my buddy doing a mansion. Me , An his brother where up in the light tower ( I guess that’s what ya call it ). There was like 8 big DH windows we were folding them in. He was struggling getting one to pop in I turn around start going over to him … need help go to him he says na. I hand my had out like I was going to help turn back away to go back to my window , An the top or bottom don’t remember which one sash comes swinging down An bam …it was horrifying , An a sick feeling for both of us. Ifcource he tried to blame it on me.
Luckily they got away with not having to pay for it. So they said Wasn’t a good day.
Btw he paid me 2 hundred that day. An I know it was hard giving it to me. Cause I’m sure his brother said it was my fault. Lol. All good though lol I would if blamed it on him too if the shoe was on the other foot . Who wants the blame for that one.
Beilieve it or not but these are all tilt in windows. All cut ups and 7 foot tall both panes. Crazy. I about laughed when I noticed that.
Did you tilt them ? Walkable roof no need too, but if your good at it your good at it.
No way. Laddered that and walked the roof. Got a good laugh off it though. The lady looked at me like I was crazy because she apparently had no clue why that was laughable to me.
I tryed to explain to her why it would be so difficult to clean a tilt in like that and get eyes started to go cross eyed and glaze over. Lol
Tryed to tilt one just for fun and the thing weighed like 70lbs. Largest tilts I’ve ever come across
I’ve got long arms too. I can reach most all I come across. Not these. How you would ever pull a cut up on something like that is beyond me.
It’s faster to have an employee on the exterior and one on the interior