To Tilt or Not To Tilt

That is the question.

Any tilters in the house? Lol

Upstairs, yes. 1st floor, no.

These Anderson’s are on tha sucky end. Gotta push down extra inch to release the sash cord to put back up.

Hate tilting , but then again I’m a small guy. So if I were taller maybe. :grimacing:


Heck yeah, I’m a tilter.


Only tilt them if I have too. Clean them the traditional way from the outside 99% of the time. Make an exception for some third story windows. But that’s just me.


Tilt 3rd floors

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Any of you guys think it’s faster? Seems slower but when you’re done you’re done. Plus no climbing ladders saves energy

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I think it is faster when you are working alone and 2nd story and above. Less footsteps.

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Tilt when needed. Like when I can’t use wfp on them. It’s faster than a ladder, slower than wfp.


Last resort usually


It could be if youengood at it :laughing: I’m not, an it doesn’t matter to me as long as the hourly wage is still what I need to make me happy … no tilt , unless need be.
So funny you bring this up. I did s house last year, an I tilted one window in a roof window. Didn’t want to go up on roof, so what happens itncame out of the boot , an I didn’t realize it. Had to go al the way back to put it back in.
Guess what house im doing tommorow. Smh :man_facepalming:.

I always have one outside guy , an one inside guy. In my eyes it’s the best way to do any job.

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I got through the whole house without a ladder until the end. One stupid trapazoodial window. Who puts Windows like that above roofs? Tryed to pretend it wasn’t there but she made sure I knew


With my short arms I hate doing it. I can’t get the windows as clean as I would like, but when you gotta, you gotta. I once had a customer who wouldn’t allow me to put a ladder against the house, he was worried about it damaging the stucco. So I had to tilt the windows in. Needless to say, I was not aware of this when I priced the job because if I had I would not have done it.

Last resort for me. Ever since I had a cable break (defective manufacture) and the bottom half of the window fell out.

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Up stairs only. Last house done that way had upper and lower panes tilt. I used my step stool, the kind with the hand hold bar, taped a piece of pvc horizontally to that and covered it with pipe insulation to protect window frame. Lowered bottom pane to rest on my contraption , then lowered top pane on to that. Cleaned top, out and in then raised out of the way and repeated on the bottom. I did this about 40 times. It took forever!!


Yuk no tilt unless to dangerous to ladder…

  • Tilt
  • No Tilt

0 voters

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Only if its like 20 or so windows or its tough to hit with a pole.

I’ll tilt / shuffle before I ladder up though.


I used to tilt in storms too all while leaving them in the track.

Only works if inside windows tilt.