Understanding WFP use on houses


You’re beginning to overthink this.

DI is not going to affect your flow like RODI. An RO filter is layers of special matting rolled up and cut. So the water has A LOT of surface area to travel through to get filtered, thus a reduction in flow.

DI does not create that same issue. So, you could run 300’ of xero hose if you wanted with no issues and no pump for 3 stories easily.

Secondly, hose management.
You should know this from pressure washing. Take the extra minute to lay out your hose in front of you as you turn each corner. You’ll never eliminate obstacle issues completely but doing that reduces them by 95%.

Third, tank management.
Get a 25’ 3/4" garden hose. Plant the tank by the spigot and just travel with the pole and Xero hose. If 3/8" hose make you feel better, then buy the Tucker Handy Reel with the Yellow hose and adapt down at the pole. Great setup!