Unger Ninja

I just recently signed up to the community and have a question about the Unger Ninja Handle.I have been thinking of getting one of these for sometime now but always held back as i heard many people complain about the clips on the end of the channel.I was recently in my suppliers and asked would a regular s channel or s pro channel fit the ninja handle?He said no,it only takes the ninja channel but i’ve always seen others use different ones on theres so i guess my question is can the s channels be used or was he giving me BS??

Hello from ireland.:blush:

Hey Dotsy from Ireland!

Here in the US Unger sells “homeowner” grade tools in some big box stores like Home Depot. This handle looks just like the Ninja but its not really and it will accept your standard stainless and brass channels only.

So you weren’t being misled. The real Ninja handle is made for Ninja channels, not standard channels.

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The real Ninja handle only works with wide body channels, ninja channels, sorbo channels ect.

Ah i see.Thanks for that Alex.:+1:

Hmmm my supplier doesn’t stock any of these channels.Guess i’ll have to order these online if i do go down the ninja route.

They have them here…


Hope this helps!

Thanks.I may try to find a supplier either in the UK or europe that might stock these as shipping to ireland might be easier and more cost effective!The hunt continues…

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I use the ninja unger handles with Sorbo channels
It’s the best setup I think


I have the Ninja 30" channel on my Ninja handle and I have been really happy with the combo.

Welcome to the forum!


Nice Killians red. Hadn’t had one of those is a while. :+1:

Give Arthur a call & tell him Nathanael sent you:


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