Unveiling my new Estimate Sheet

Thank you, I will share anything I learn.

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Reminds me of car washes. You get 3 prices and most choose middle. And occasionally “splurge” for the top tier


Dumb question but in your supreme package you have remove, wash, and reinstall screens. at the bottom it says wipe screen frames. wouldn’t that be involved in the washing process?

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Now that i have an aztec screen washer the frames do get washed no matter what. But previously i scrubbed just the screen part with a brush, whereas with the supreme package I’d take a rag and specifically wipe the frame.

Moving forward i may eliminate frame cleaning entirely and promote track cleaning to the supreme package.


That is the whole idea, really.

Most tiered systems are designed to up sell. They are designed to get you to easily justify ‘Super-sizing It’ because it’s only twenty-five cents more, right? Other’s are designed to get you to see the value in taking the middle option…by allowing you to compare the value of the levels of service performed, while also comparing the cost of the levels of service.

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Dude…looks super amazing. I like the look, the personal picture and the choice packages. Like others have said, it really makes the customer aware of what they are to expect.
I haven’t decided which way I’m going to go but I am leaning towards the package style. For now, I simply go by what the customer wants.

Side note: joined the WCRA just in time!


When doing the tiers, how do you arrive at your price that you give? For example lowest tier would be $3/pane, middle tier $5/pane, upper tier $6-7/pane.

Is that essentially how you would arrive at that tiered pricing? I am just having trouble wrapping my head around tier pricing unless each tier just had a higher per pane price.

I use an app called Thing Counter to quickly and easily count panes, grids, sills, tracks, outside screens, inside screens, large panes, french panes, storm panes, and skylights. I then enter the numbers into a spreadsheet that I made that calculates what each item costs. It then totals this for each package and calculates the price with discounts, surcharges, and tax.

So, for Basic service it adds together the cost of removing and reinstalling outside screens, cleaning the sills, and a lower percentage of the amount per pane. For Premium service it adds together the cost of removing, reinstalling, and washing all screens, cleaning the tracks, and the amount per pane. For Supreme, it does all that except it has a multiplier on the track price to reflect the additional cleaning done to the tracks, and a multiplier on the pane price to reflect the addition of cleaning the frames.


Ugh…Now my heads spinning…lol

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Properly price what you do so that you don’t mind doing it.

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Lol… Admittedly, it took some thought to get it set up, but now it’s just “plug and chug” as an old physics teacher used to say. Very easy.

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That sounds great. Is there any way you would be willing to share your spreadsheet? It sounds very useful.


Jordan O.
Co-Owner/Business Manager
O’Bros Windows & Home Services

  • Built on John 3:16 -

Phone: 763-244-7442
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.obroswindows.comhttp://%20www.obroswindows.com

I would have that there to help the customer say yes… it’s a positive statement …reinforcement that could tip the customer.

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I’ve taken down the 3-tier pricing on my website and subbed in a hybrid package/menu system that I like very much.


Very interested in how it goes… Keep us posted!