Video Mug Shots

Steve : great video!

Awesome to put a man to the name. Easier on the brain…

Thanks Kevin, hopefully more will follow. It would make this a very unique community. It was a great idea.

p.s. - getting play by play updates about Chris’ colon functions on twitter make it unique too. Not sure I dig that though.

Well I cant get it to post. Here is the link to my mug.


That is the Reliant Stadium, and the Astrodome in the background.

It wont post because the video is set to private on you tube…

I’m good at chess. I’m not to hot on computers yet. I’ll try to post it again later, It’s public now but it still wont post.

Thanks for posting. Boy. it sure sounded pretty windy there. Hopefully you weren’t a daredevil like Steve. :wink:

Thx Manny, thats cool.

No, I was on a flat roof…10 storys up! I love it.

<object width=“425” height=“355”><param name=“movie” value=“Wcr greet (0603081207.3g2) - YouTube”></param><param name=“wmode” value=“transparent”></param><embed src=“Wcr greet (0603081207.3g2) - YouTube” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=“transparent” width=“425” height=“355”></embed></object>


// greet (0603081207.3g2) - YouTube


//<object width=“425” height=“350”> <param name=“movie” value=“WCR video mugshot - YouTube”> </param> <embed src=“WCR video mugshot - YouTube” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” width=“425” height=“350”> </embed> </object>

well it didn’t work for me either…

here is a direct link for Eric’s Video.

You need to use the url, instead of the HTML code for this feature…

// video mugshot - YouTube

Cool video Eric. The scenery is sure nice. I would love to be up in lake country doing the odd job.

Oh…I think you missed a spot on one of those windows. 2nd floor, Third from the left. :smiley:

Good stuff Eric, nice location.

Great stuff Eric!

Now one from everyone else please :smiley:

yeah very nice location, but the wind dies in the afternoon and the black flies came out in swarms! and i forgot my bug spray back at the house with my fishing gear…i was scratching that night let me tell ya!