Wagtail experiance?

Polzn Bladz seems to use a wagtail only for pole work. I always see a traditional squeegee in his hand. He says the large 18" size wagtail is useless. He says the 12" and 14" are the best size for fancy pole work. This guys does believe in very large traditional channels, well over 35".

I love the tail.
For me it’s about A & E.
(Age and Ergonomics)
I was trained to use the ettorre super system (swivel ) a good squeegee.
However my training for poleing had me makeing at least 3 (usually more) moves of my arm to position my squeegee per window.
Doing 250 windows that’s 750 arm movements ( min) a day.
Multiply that by 3 (times a week for route work) and…
The TAIL has made it so I have lass than 10 arm moves a day cuz Incan reposition just by a click of the wrist.
I know a lot of wc’s with hurting wrists cuz they fan all day ( corpraltunnel syndrome)
And the weight is great! Nice and light.
I like to think of the ettorre super system as a CHEVY. Truck- ( or ford or ram or tundra depending on what commercial has been hammering your eyeballs…)
Heavy, Takes a beating workhorse that. Keeps going.
The TAIL I see as more a sports car…
Light nimble but needs to go in the garage now and then.
I guess I see it as more and more of the window cleaners age ( yes we do age…eventually. Hopefully.) they will need a lighter sqeegee if they wish to keep working longer age we age.
A smart window cleaner adjusts their tools as they age for the best ergonomics and less stress on the body and the TAIL is where they may need to be looking.
Age creeps up on us all ( if we are lucky)
With proper ergonomics and tools maybe the CREEP will slow down…
(sorry about the post length. Just wanted my first post of the new years day to be long in honor of Jackllfixit.)
Good health to all in the coming new year

“Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc”