See past episodes here: Window Cleaning Supplies & Water Fed Pole Equipment –
Apologies in advance, but your condescension stinks worse than BubbleGuys sulphuric water problem.
Every industry has low and high end people. There is a market for both. I understand the issue with sloppy people and with sloppy work. But you folks have to get off your price fixation. Every company is different in its own needs - and this is reflected in pricing. For instance how many on the forum have a divorce in your past? How about children from previous relationship? Bankruptcy? Financial debt from bad decisions? What about health and medical bills from an emergency? All of those things affect your baseline for profitability.
Some have none of that - through combination of luck and good decision making. Our baseline is much lower. Our overhead is much lower. That means we can cut your prices if we wish, still be just as profitable and produce fine quality.
I’m not the cheapest in my area, nor am I the most expensive. But I run a tight ship with minimal overhead and even less waste. I have developed great customers over the years and the loyalty is tangible. That’s what keeps me in business and growing. Not tshirts, Facebook or a vehicle wrap. It works great for many and that’s fantastic, but don’t look down on those of us that go down a different path. If, in the end, I am profitable with a happy family and a comfortable life, then I will have accomplished my goal.
I didn’t watch the video. Never do. Lol. But I’m gonna like this comment anyway
Lol. Why not?
Haven’t watched the video yet but i doubt it.
I’m a very impatient person. Lol
Btw people, the correct term is Poopy Water.
Does that make me a bucket bob?
Well, according to Jersey John, if you aren’t doing your job the way that people on the forums tell you to, then you’re a Bob. Now me personally, I wear Under Armour type shirts on jobs sometimes. Apparently that makes me a Bob as well. But they are nice golf shirts with collars - so I’m going with Bucket Robert. Sounds much more respectful.
I too am a bucket bob. Ive been known to sport the hats, i ring doorbells in 10* weather, i should remove it to greet the customer? I wear bandanas in the summer.
Sure if i powerwashed before wc a home ill change my clothes if needed. But im professional as fuk. Lol , aside from that.
Some of the best guys ive ever worked with, and my lead tech , are tattoed all over their face and look like convicts. But they’re extremely respectful, courteous, provide outstanding work and very profitable.

ell, according to Jersey John, if you aren’t doing your job the way that people on the forums tell you to, then you’re a Bob.
I think your misconstruing what he is saying.
He basically is saying don’t try to reinvent the wheel. There is always A better way to do something , an bucket bobs don’t seek out that way , an the masses knows the better way. Just listen An learn something new , An have an open mind. That’s what he is saying Not if you don’t do it this way your a bob.
Do you think using a back pack sprayer is a good way to get your solution on the substrate your Cleaning , or is Xjettimg or Dsing a better more efficient way ?
Well there are guys out there using backpacks An just high pressure water
I can tell you this is the bucket bob way
An these are the guys that are charging 99.00 a house wash.
That’s another thing he is saying. These 99.00 a house wash guys are the bucket bobs. There is no profit at that number
Personal finances has nothing to do with hourly profit.
If I were 100 million dollars in debt An Your debt free. You charge 99.00 a house wash that’s takes 2 hours I charge 300. I still made more hourly profit than you
Oh An BTW my wife works , An has the medical benifits does that mean I should lower my prices ?
What he is also saying is we are all here trying to learn something New., An better ourselves , An teach others what we have learned. Bucket bobs don’t do that.
So don’t be a freaking Bucket Bob
I hope your customers didn’t just see that your over charging for a house wash that they could of paid 2/3 less to someone who could of done the same thing. Or are you saying they aren’t doing the same good job for cheaper?
I think Texas Riches point is that not everyone is in a position to purchase a water fed pole system or a commercial grade pressure washer etc., And pay for uniforms etc. so they go with what they can afford and do the best way they what they have until they can do better. Thanks doesn’t make them “bucket bobs”. It simply means their personal needs might no allow them to do everything they would want to do.
Also not everyone can afford to do a lot of advertising as they can’t afford to take a risk on not getting a return on their money spent on adds as it might be their rent money or their kids school close money. They need all the money coming in to pay their bills. Because of this they have to keep their pricing low because they can’t afford to lose a job due to price. Where as other guys might be in a better position. Maybe their wife doesn’t have to stay home and take care of the kids. Maybe grandma keeps them for free so the wife works and they have two incomes and so they can afford to risk money on advertising and not get a return. Or they can afford to raise their prices and pass up on some jobs to get the good ones.
This doesn’t make someone a bucket bob and it doesn’t give anyone the right to insult them. You don’t know their circumstances. Don’t worry about what they do. If your doing it “Right” then it’s going to work out for you anyways so don’t worry about Bob and just mind your own company. It takes all kinds of people to serve everyone’s needs. Success isn’t just about what you achieve but rather what you achieve with what you have. Someone might look at a bucket bob and say, “what a loser” but he might have lost his wife and kids two years ago and been homeless and now he has a small business and has an apartment and is paying his rent and has come a long way.
You might look at a guy who has 5 crews under him and think he is successful but he may have been living in his parents basement rent free for the last 5 years while he grew his business.
The point is don’t think you know someone just because of your own experience. Maybe the person making those assumptions is the one who is being close minded.
Too many guys have made a little money with their window cleaning business and they think their God’s gift to the business world but at the end of the day your still just a window cleaner just like bucket bob so let’s keep it into perspective. To the rest of society in the whole scheme of things your just a bucket Bob too.
Don’t think I’m saying this to not give credit where credit is due either. I appreciate success and think it’s great that guys become successful within our industry. Just don’t forget where you came from and don’t look back at Bob and start talking smack about him when that was you 10 years ago! And don’t forget all the help you had along the way.
I personally get sick of heart ng people rag on Benjamin. I think he is a go getter. Yah maybe he needs to add a little thinking to his process but at the end of the day he is working hard and having fun at it. He is not asking for a handout. I just don’t get why anyone cares how he approaches his business. That’s s like a gourmet burger joint putting down McDonald’s. It’s compare ng apples to oranges. At the end of the day they are both making money how they need to.
Rant over.
Amen brother

think Texas Riches point is that not everyone is in a position to purchase a water fed pole system or a commercial grade pressure washer etc., And pay for uniforms etc. so they go with what they can afford and do the best way they what they have until they can do better. Thanks doesn’t make them “bucket bobs”. It simply means their personal needs might no allow them to do everything they would want to do.
An I’m not saying your a bucket bob , because you start out with little. I’ve started out with little. I just didn’t arrive. Not that I have such a great business. I’m still learning, An growing every year.
Bucket bobs don’t learn An grow !!
I’m stating facts you will not make it in this business if you do 99.00 house washes An/or do windows in/out for $6 a Window. Ok maybe you will , but I hope your single rent a room , An have no child support. If that’s the case , An that makes you happy than so be it. I’m glad your happy.
Also what he said in the video ( if you Listened). Is that you will never see a bucket bob in these forums.
So congratulations your not a bucket bob
If there doing the same job as me for 2/3 the price there leaving money on the table. If that makes them happy … Cool
I think we need to ask Merriam-Webster to add a definition to their dictionary for the term bucket Bob. Being an armchair lover of philosophy, that’s the way I see it anyway. It’s all a matter of semantics . Allllllll of our problems will be solved.
I’m trying to explain it just give me some time. Takes a while to get my thoughts together
I was a bucket bob in school
I truly think comparing a guy or gal struggling to make it and get better, to a guy or gal who lives out their vehicle or Grandma’s spare room are not two in the same of “Bucket Bob’s”.
One will always be a BB; the other is climbing, growing, and learning to make a living.