We are replaced by robots, game over

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Let me know when it can WFP a picture window two stories up

I think your job is safe.


If it works on the interior of skylights and you don’t need a ladder to fix it in place, I will buy one.


I’m waiting for the robot that cleans windows with its laser eyes by vaporizing the dirt but somehow doesn’t vaporize the glass.


Just remember, if the lasers kill mold and other organics, it’s game over! Unless you give the robot a 3’ electrical cord.

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That would be great if every house we cleaned had ONLY one window. We could start it on the window. Go watch a 2 hour movie at the theater…then go back and the window should be clean. Lol


It’s just smearing all the junk around on the glass. Just like Windex and paper towels. Imagine if that exterior window was really filthy. Better have a gallon of that cleaning solution on hand cuz you’re going to need it and dozens of those little velcro pads to change out.

Me: “I can clean your windows in a 1/2 a day for $500, or my robot can get it done in one month for $12K” Customer: “Let’s try the robot this time”


But at least they did it themselves! (With a robot)

Robots are bullshit because of Moravec’s Paradox and Polanyi’s Paradox.

My original speculation on work and wages - Future speculation on wages

Wages are going to go up. Blue collar gets rich, white collar gets poor.

Opinion: Robots are a political fiction for Westerners in the same way the Soviet Scientific Superman or the Aryan Superman were for those societies. Our culture has been dominated by the political orientation and beliefs of the middle class who mostly perform abstract work with their brains. This causes strange biases to exist.

It is a little known fact to most of the middle class in our society that there has been almost no serious progress in robotics for decades. Rodney Brooks - the creator of most consumer robot designs has said the same thing on his blog because he knows the limitations. What is really possible is separate from the fiction the median person believes about robotics. I’ve watched countless youtube channels and television specials about robots - and all of it is total bullshit - usually conflating computational power with a market possibility and assuming a take off event is imminent. This has been assumed for literally more than half a century. The difference between a Boston Dynamics robot and the ones invented in the '50s is not big. It is not happening because there are fundamental scientific obstacles that are not understood. Several centuries ago the French had streets of artisans attempting to put together automata - ingenious designs. It came to nothing obviously - and Silicon Valley is in a similar position today. Even its information processing improvements amount to human intelligence harvesting projects that are not fundamental information science breakthroughs to say nothing of their failure in robotics. You’ll never see it explained that way in a news headline because journalists and politicians have bought into a mass illusion. Looking carefully at the success stories like Kiva you notice the same pattern over and over - they are always augmenting human labour instead of replacing it. You should then want to ask if this is so why are we constantly assailed with news of its replacement.

Seen in this way, UBI and basic income are projects blue collar workers ought to reject because they will represent a fiscal transfer going exclusively from their class to another class.

There is a popular saying that it is impossible for a man to understand something that does not benefit him. In the industrial revolution part of what caused rapid change was that a lot of people became unemployed. Now that we are in an age where this happens to a different group of people it is being suggested to us that this time it should be different. That should be thought long and hard about!

AI cannot tell when it is seeing through glass or looking at a mirror. The people at Foliogram do augmented reality tutor software but say it would be difficult to train somebody how to clean glass if the computer cannot detect it.


Robotics, AI etc, it is indeed current but as far as our profession is concerned, frankly it is not for tomorrow.
The configurations of window types, shapes, accessibility, dirt, state of wear, etc. vary so much from one site to another.
Not to mention the variables to take into account such as climate, wind exposure, water alkalinity, roofing problems, waterproofing, scratches, stickers, tags…
And water, this element that is so complex to control to avoid marks, splashes on the floor, on desks, on store customers when cleaning the large entrance halls during opening hours. :smile: