
I am looking to build a website but need a web host of course with templates due to the fact that i have no idea how to build a website. I was looking at yahoo business and godaddy, as well as hostgator. Any help would be great.

I am in the process of moving to microsoft office live. The templates are so so but the hosting is free. design is pretty easy. the only thing you really have to pay for is the domain name. go to office live from microsofts web site. it’s pretty decent for free.

I used Yahoo! Pretty happy so far! Check out my site.

I also use Yahoo and it seems to work well for me, but Im definetely no expert in this field.

I use Yahoo too. There are a couple of features I wished it had, but that is with all of them.

It takes work when doing it yourself, but once you get the basics done you just tweak it. That is fun

we just switched to Godaddy on the advise of Chris who practically swears by them. My advise…ask Chris, he is a genius at website stuff!!!

I’d second that! He helped me get my videos on my website so now the customer can see them all right there. Thanks again Chris!