I’ve got a question about website hosting. I am in the “just beginning to think about” stage of creating a website. I’ve read a lot of the posts on here, looked at several websites, and have started to get a general idea about what I want to do. Ok, here is the tricky part, for me at least: I’m in Australia. So, being a complete novice to website building, and hosting, I am wondering if it makes any difference with whom you get your hosting from. It sounds like HostGator is the go, but I assume that is on the other side of the planet from me. Should I be looking at Australian hosting outfits, or is it insignificant, other than the currency exchange rates? I mean, will it make any technical differences?
Thanks in advance for your help, and as I go along, I’m sure this won’t be the last time I ask for it!
it doesn’t matter where you host your site. i use namecheap and they have been awesome. the tech support is really great and they’ll help you set everything up. prices are great too.
Ok. Generally speaking, Caleb is right because most hosting companies by this day have got it down. I will say that hosting thru godaddy in years past was actually bad tho for me. My website would take forever to load. I switched to host gator and haven’t looked back. So my advice would be host thru a recommended company. And as far as domain registration… Use the cheapest.
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Thanks for the advice guys. There are soooo many options out there. I’m leaning toward hostgator for now, but I’m really concerned about how it would effect SEO and such things, by NOT using an Australian host? Just the technical stuff like that is really bugging me, and makin it hard to pull the trigger on making a choice.
If you Google it you’ll see that as long as you choose a reputable hosting service your seo will be fine. Where you are located and where the host is located doesn’t matter.
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Thanks Caleb. That’s a great help. So far I haven’t found any hosting in AU that I’m willing to go with. Haven’t researched them all that much yet either, though. But I don’t want to get really bogged down and never get started, because I can’t decide on hosting. I’m liking what I am hearing about hostgator, and a wordpress site. I’ll give the AU hosting sites a quick squiz I guess, just to see if anything stands out. So far, it looks like they (AU) want to lock you in to a year or more up front, and that may not be good, if you aren’t happy with the hosting. There are also completely free sites, but well…they’re free.
Found a site that has reviews and comparisons for hosting sites. Ipage is on that list. You’re right, their prices are lower than most on the list. Ratings not as good as some, but I haven’t been to the host site to have a look. I will though. Thanks for the replies everybody!
I was actually going to go with name cheap , but the guy from Fiverr that was doing the work for me suggested hostinger . Looks like it working ok for now .