Weightlifting motivation

Last winter during my slowest time I took some course for nutrition and PT, so if anyone wants advice or programs shoot me a PM and I’ll be glad to help out


I do 10 pushups for every streak or drip I leave behind… :wink:


I feel ya man
Same here
I used to lift early in the am, 5-6am, go to work, and after work id go train. M/W muay thai and BJJ, T/Th BJJ, F BJJ and MMA
I was meal prepping, getting in my 5-6 meals per day, vitamins, aminos, etc, gallon plus of water, always energized.
Now I feel lethargic, lazy, tired all the time. :frowning:

It also can help to just pick something fun. Really, anything is better than nothing.

One activity that I’ve found great is rock-climbing, bouldering in particular. It didn’t do much to look good, but when i was regular i was incredibly strong, somehow stronger even than when i was lifting hard. Like, everyday stronger. I think it trains functional strength really well in addition to probably being among the best ways of training core strength ever. Eliminated my chronic back pain and healed an almost-hernia. Plus, it was mentally very refreshing.

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I’ve always been good about the compound lifts, definitely need to run, but can’t overlook diet.

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Awesome before kids and the biz taking off I wanted to do that.

This week I’m going to start counting my macros. 205 carbs/125 protein/60 fat. I want to get back down to 155-160. Currently between 170-175.

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Got kids and this going too, it’s def hard to make work… lately I’ve been going at night, I’m training ft a powerlifting meet in February. So it’s been a lot of strength programming and getting my squat/bench/deadlifts back up there… gotta get on My Fitness Pall and track all your food daily, really helps out


That’s awesome that you’re doing a meet. For a time I wanted to do one as well. I have shoulder/bicep tendon issues. So my bench never got high. At my best:
Bench: 235
Squat: 315
Deadlift: 435

I have the paid version of MyFitnessPal so I can input exactly what I want to hit.

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I used to, before the kiddos and going on my own.

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When it’s nice out I’ll ride my bikes 3-6 days a week or hike with the dogs. On the weekends throughout the summer my wife and I usually go wake surfing, great core work out. In the winter I usually get in 3-4 days of nordic skiing and the weight room maybe 1 or 2 days. I can never get enough of the outdoors. I took 10 days off in October (which normally doesn’t happen with a busy work schedule), but I spent some of my hard earned window cleaning money and went and rode my bike in France.


I’m training at 175 BW, dropping down to the 164 class. Bench/275 squat/365 deadlift/450, I want to push those up at least 50 pounds each


It goes hand an hand when your training
When j trained I was big into the welder principles
Constantly changing it up. Shocking the mucscles
Drop sets
Force reps
Super sets
Staggered sets
Pyramid sets
Max out
High reps
I getting pumped just writing about this stuff
I swear I miss it. Going tot he gym getting that pump seeing results.
Didn’t have the cool head sets though back then. Lol

If I ever get back it would be high reps lots of cardio An just shred

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You probably have low T. Like me. I’ve done the jell an the test a pill. Both work good .

Thanks @Streakerfree

I’m only 20 seconds in , one song in this could be the start of something😎


That’s awesome.

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No lyrical genius, but this always helps chase a pump for a back/pull workout. Second workout in less than a week. What?:open_mouth:

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Over the counter???

Not trying to answer for @Majestic66, but there is nothing effective OTC for low T. You need a prescription for the gels, tabs, or shots. I think the best would be injection.

Don’t waste your time with anything pro-hormone. The natural ones converts to test but is costly and would take a high dose. About a year and half ago a lot of designer steroids labeled as pro hormones were banned. They can still be found, but they’re highly liver toxic and now illegal. You would have to take PTC that is also illegal gained unless its for your “rat testing”

Best thing is to get blood worked done to figure out if you have low T.

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