Using a wfp on a commercial site do you use wet floor signs or tape off the area your working in regardless if it’s on a work day or weekend? I am going to be getting one here soon and was thinking with all the water one might want some kind of signage to avoid people slipping and coming after you. Thanks for your input
I use them to mark off hoses so people don’t trip. Having three or four of them is handy.
I’ve got a set of stores that its written in the contract. Much easier to take a minute to put them out then deal with a real or staged slip and fall. It’s what insurance is for but why?
Ok thanks for the feed back. I am still working at night as a janitor and we have to put these out just so people can move them and walk by them anyway. Trying find if having a sign makes you less liable if someone does take a dip in a area you are working in. How much does have signs protect your butt?
It’s a reasonable precaution. Your gonna drip sometimes and if that Wal-Mart shopper takes a dive because she didn’t see a sign, she’ll be on the phone to an accident lawyer before the ambulance gets there. I see it that a sign is a deterrent and for safety. If someone slips because you sloshed your bucket and you had a sign, Obviously help them, but document with pictures as soon as practical the scene and exactly what happened. The better documented, the better you’ll give your insurance company a leg to stand on when/if you ever had to take it to court. Someone will come in on the other side I’m sure so take that with a grain of salt I guess.