If you’re having an August slowdown, what are you up to?
- Panicking
- Huge Convention
- Vacation
- Reevaluating Business plan
- What slowdown?
- Other (write below what that is)
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If you’re having an August slowdown, what are you up to?
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Thanks to the Solar Eclipse we are booked 6 days a week till august 29th
We’re not hitting a wall or anything, but I’m readjusting how we operate. I plan on switching to TCF, so I can fully utilize, my ResponsiBid, SendJim, and soon CrewCal. I plan on getting more sub contractors to eliminate myself from the field by the fall rush season. Right now I’m only going to be scheduling myself 4 days a week now, and my wife only 2 days. Those are just some of the things I have plan during the “slowdown”. Thanks to @Jersey and Joshua Latimer over @Send_Jim for making videos this week helping us to use this as a valuable time to recess business plans.
we had a slow down in august our first year of business but then last year august was our biggest month and this year looks to be close
Slow down is kinda nice, it gives you time to get stuff done
I haven’t slowed down…in fact…the calls just keep coming…the only thing that really sucks is I am now scheduling into September…But I will be out of the country from the 3rd until the 20th for my wedding!..Arghhhhh…
Go enjoy your wedding and honeymoon, make forever memories.
It all will be here when you come back!
Taking a week off to get on top of some sideline projects.
Thanks @wcs… It will my 4th visit to the Philippines…an amazing country with amazing people!..I have always thought that a window cleaning business in the Philippines would be very successful!..I was considering teaching my Fiance’s brother how to do it…The Philippine people are resilient and hard working in a country with limited opportunities…It could be a way for him to live a great life!..anyway…enough of my rambling haha!..I can’t wait for 2018!..I have a LOT of plans!
Congratulations on your wedding! My wife is from Bohol and we have been married 31 years. Sounds like a good idea to teach your brother in law WC.
I have fully embraced the slowest month of our busy season. We are taking a few days off this week for our anniversary and then taking a week off at the end of August (right before Labor Day). That is Always our slowest week from March-December.
August is a month that we typically will spend two weeks of it at the cabin, State Fair and a few other day trips just prior to the kids getting back to school.
Sad sign that summer is winding down
Ouch, it’s 66 degrees here.
Show off!
Hope you guys are enjoying it!