What changes helped boost your hourly income?

Don’t understand why you would keep fresh books? And I’m not sure if TCF does integrate with fresh books or not

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^ I need to do some research on TCF. Before leaving something that works for me and my regular accounts I would need to know that there will be a smooth transition.

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I charge $8.00 per pane with $4.00 as an intro price when people buy a deal from my website.

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Have you bumped your price up?

This has helped us save tons of time. For residential and commercial. We usually just leave the bucket in the work vehicle. Get one good dunk and keep our small bottles with us and usually you can finish a entire home and always complete a entire storefront without making a single trip to that bucket. Huge time saver .

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Im not sure what your talking about…

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Maybe your adding too much solution? Just a little bit for that little bottle.

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too much soap.

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Your using to much soap in your solution.

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I never get it out of the bucket. I put just a drop of liquid in my bottle the fill with water and shake. I use dawn so not sure what you use but this is how ive been doing it for sometime now.

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Yeah I tried to use a little from each advice I got and so far I do $60 to $75 now. It’s been a great year as far as learning goes. What is really holding me back is charging old customers my new prices. Even 50 cents can make a difference of $50 on some jobs. That’s a pretty big increase in price so I feel weird about it sometimes. On new jobs I do great though.

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I started using a bottle on insides this year and it can get like that for me if I end up doing some big panes that sucks up most the water on my strip washer. I now just spray the window with the stream and not the spray setting of the bottle and its putts a decent amount on. That solved it for me. Not sure if that is what happens to you.

I still take a bucket in and leave it somewhere out of the way. Then if it seams like the spray bottle isn’t cutting it I give it a good dunk to keep it going. I maybe will dunk it once or twice on bigger houses. But lately I have been doing fine without it. I also use the spray on the tracks to get the corners real good. It sprays out any dirt trapped in a corner that a towel can’t wipe out.

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if a good dunk fixes it the issue is not the mix it is the quantity. i squirt almost every pane, using a soap squirt bottle or mustard bottle not a spray bottle. spray bottle is not enough.
i do it one of 2 ways, bottle tilted down squirt an arch of juice on the window, scrub.
or put brush/tbar on glass squirt bottle above it so juice runs right down into it,
i never pre wet my brush/tbar i load it on the glass. i like a juicy window, if they’re really dirty the dirt will suck up the water so give a bigger squirt.

That’s great to hear Dean!

Don’t be afraid to raise your prices.

Customers are willing to pay for a high quality experience.