And you don’t know you are…what are the tell tale signs?
Does your business plan feed you hot dogs and beans, or chicken and shrimp?
I am Bucket Bob.
Wow @TheWindowCleanse you can play. Hope you are the Keynote drummer for the Aug convention!
Man that guy is good!!!
I rock a stolen gas station squeegee washer combo
A few days ago i was sitting at red light, homeless crackhead runs up to my truck and squirts what i would bet money was his own piss in a windex bottle, on my windshield and attempts to clean it. I jumped out so quick said wtf dude, first of all i didnt give u the wave to go ahead and provide your “service” , and second, read the damn truck, it says window cleaning all over it!! You think i needed you?
He then had the nerve to ask if i was hiring…
The occasional steak ,but it puts food on the table.
Just noticed the video about this it’s interesting.
iv always admired the bucket bob mentality-true grit!
A bucket Bob who is actually a Window Washer, then you’re on to something.
They come back to the same street corner cause he’s the best.
Hmmmmm. You might be a Bucket Bob if…
You don’t have a set schedule for your accounts. Just show up when you need cash, sometimes not for months, sometimes multiple times in a single month.
You accept “alternative” forms of payment, like beer, framed paintings, or convenience store snacks.
Your “uniform” shirt doesn’t have a fancy logo…or sleeves.
Your storefront route is limited to a comfortable walking distance from your dwelling. Bonus points if it’s because your driver’s license was suspended/revoked, or you are just too chicken to ride your bicycle while drunk.
Some of the “alternative” forms of payment I have received: 125 gallons of stove oil, labor for a new roof, a bathroom remodel, and a bunch of X-Wing miniatures (see pic).
Not interested in beer (but wine could be considered)
I’m doing a little cafe tomorrow morning, for breakfast. Makes me a bob, so be it. Three windows for a hooked up Denver omelette.once a month.
I’d take that job for an omelette lol
Me to but I’d be thinking about being considered a Bucket Bob the whole meal. So forget it.
What happened to “Bucket Bum”?
That is the original term
I know. Kinda harsh old school jargon.
We live in a politically correct society now.
There are 2 different paths. You can be a window cleaner or you can be a business owner.
We are all Bob’s in the beginning. It’s what you do in the long run that counts.