So I am bidding this job, a CCU… I have my own number in mind, but really I want to see if I am in the ball park… I attached a few photos( no it’s not the whole project) just want to see based off the photos what y’all would charge, helps me kinda of narrow in my price… thanks
The curtain wall with 56 Windows if that’s all it is I would ladder it not worth using a lift for a few ladder moves. In the range of $500 outside
The 13 at entry, in the $100 range outside
500$ outside only right? For the curtain wall, do you charge per pane,… I have done CCU’s but not at this magnitude. So this is learning curb for me
I find per pane works out the best for us on just about everything we do. Sometimes I do add additional on top of that if there’s obstructions or other things that will make a job take longer like in this case just the fact that we have two ladder that rather than use a lift, i Factor in a little more
Are you talking exterior only? I’d up sell the crap out of that if I was you. Interior and exterior on all of that, realistically probably 950 or 1000 but that wouldn’t be bad for a day of work. Exterior only, yea 500 sounds about right. Bust out the wfp and do work on the higher ups then strap on the boab and tackle that lower level in no time, gravy. In and out in 2.5 hours. Lock em in on a quarterly or 6 month recurring gig and knock a few bucks off for recurring price, they feel like your doing them a solid and that’s guaranteed easy money that hits your schedule every so often. Nice work getting that bid man, window cleaners dream job there.
are yall pricing this as a maintenance clean? cause the first time around is a CCU
Ooohhhhh… different story then. Pics may not do it any justice, how bad is it up close? Sorry bud, I don’t know how I overlooked that. Main question is, were these windows put in recently or were they there for the entire process and it was just a remodel? Look at whether or not your gonna need quad or a scraper down low and up top, well you may need a pole with a pad to really get them clean before you can pole them. really depends on the shape they are in. I’ve walked up to windows pccu and they were light enough that I could treat them as a maintenance gig but then in other cases I’ve spent all day scrapping and rubbing my fingers raw with quad on them. I’m also assuming that it’s interior and exterior for this type of job correct? Most are
yea its pretty rough…so I am expecting to be there for 2 days straight
but no the windows were there through the whole build
In that case, id probably hover somewhere near 1100 or 1200 dollars honestly. Some would go higher and some lower but I also live in Texas where I can’t necessarily follow national average. Now thats factoring in some use of quad and a scraper which I assume your going to be best friends with by the end of the job. What you will have to remember too is the higher the windows, the longer each will take and if you can get them to understand the meticulousness of the process I’m sure you will land that bid with no question. What numbers did you come up with?
for the new contruction, because there are 82 windows in total…I came up with 1650$ for the new contruction
plus I live in Texas as well, I am guessing you live in North Texas…I live in more Central
So your charging roughly 20 dollars per window. I can see that being a good thing if they will pay that. Generally though through my experience, most are willing to pay between 14 and 16 per window on commercial ccu which is actually right at what I said strangely because I didn’t know the window quantity. If you hover more towards 16 per window which is 8 per side you can still break 1300 but possibly be lower than anyone else they get a bid from because they will do that and you want to be the more appealing price. Ya know? I’d probably do that man if it was me. $1312.00 which is 82 @ 16 per window, 8 per side which weighs out because lower level will be a breeze and maybe be easier work and not worth the 16 but you’ll make up for it on the upper level windows. But yes I’m north of Dallas. That’s just my opinion from my experience around here. Also, it plays a big part in wether or not it’s the builder or building owner that is trying to hire you. Generally the builder will be a bit looser with the budget
Also, biggest thing to keep in mind is if you aren’t charging them full price and beating a competitor bid but still pushing quality work, you’ll land more work with them. Getting tight with companies that push a dozen or more homes or commercial buildings a year can add up to 5 figures to your over all yearly income which makes a huge difference. It’s not about the quality of the check they write it’s about the quantity of checks they write. I have almost let all of my storefronts go and work consistently 5 days a week on 50% residential and 50% pccu because of that thought process. In turn my income has increased so far 21,000 this year. Remember that too. Just a thought when getting into business with big remodel and building companies.
Thank you…I think your right…really I was trying to get greedy on this one, I changed the quote…so your thinking for a maintenance clean should be around 900$ you were saying, cause they want to do this every three months
Yes inside and out I’d hover at 900 and the Clean Up your about to perform I’d be right at 1300. Good job getting in the position to acquire their business man that’s a hell of a job to lock down on a recurring basis. Good luck! Exterior only I’d stay around 500