I’m just curious what you all would do if you found out another company or person copied your website? Like just changed the photos and a word here or there, but it’s obviously copied. This has happened twice to us.
Consult an attorney
You wouldn’t reach out to them first?
No. Not before I consult a pro to know the proper angle to come at them with
Is he in your working area (State) ?
No, neither were. The first time we didn’t say anything bc our website was garbage and we were going to redo it anyways, this last one we did confront the guy. I was really just curious how other people would handle the situation. Would you leave it be, or speak to the company about it, or speak directly to a lawyer?
I would first consult a lawyer (free consult) see what your options were from there he could easily write up proper letter from his office with your intentions and just see where it goes. From there you have the options that the lawyer presented to you to get the results you want.
If it’s in another state I really wouldn’t worry about it, if it was local something I would definitely pursue.
On second thought even if it’s in another state I might present it to them just so they knew they are shady.
It if was in my area I wouldn’t leave it be. If it’s out of state I couldn’t careless. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but in my area you aren’t flattering me your disrespecting me. JMO !!
I guess I wouldn’t have minded so much if our website wasn’t so personalized to sell the husband and wife team/family aspect of our company. We spent the time putting it together and then to have a new guy steal it was kind of offensive to me.
You could always call the number and send them 2 1/2 hours away to bid a large commercial job that doesn’t exist. Tell them to ask for Ryan
Over and over. Denver window shine has been on a few of those in his bubble man wrapped car.
If the culprit were local I would ring him up and say WTF…If it was in a whole other area or state I wouldn’t waste the brain cells thinking about it.
Hmm, make sure you have copyright on your website. But there’s not much you can do. You can call them and tell them to edit the content more so it’s not so obvious because you don’t want Google hurting you for duplicate content. I’d forget it until it’s time to upgrade your website.
Then the only thing that is foolproof would be to use images for your text but that sucks on so many levels.
Here’s a few tips
do my best to finish them . in this job theres always someone who tries to beat us down. we are an easy target-or so they think
you can take it and take it [and risk becoming bitter n twisted] or just every now and then hit back with an iron fist- i usually have a spate of revenge in the run up to xmas week-im suitably worked up by a years worth of being hoodwinked but only the worst get selected - hey its the season of goodwill by golly – and this always leaves me smiling-for weeks afterwards!
Wow! I would be so mad. Sorry to hear that happened.
This is why there are trademark laws
I took a like at your web site. Surprised that I didn’t do it sooner. You make great YouTube videos so of course the website is also great. I think you should expect your web site to be copied on a regular basis because it’s worth copying!!! I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often. It’s great! I say take it as a compliment and move on.
Unless it’s being copied by your competition of course.
I think most people don’t even think it’s wrong to copy these days.
You could send them a nasty letter from your lawyer just to let them know you’re pissed but that doesn’t line up with your positivity ethos.
The person who copied it is a YouTuber as well, someone we’ve spoken to before and I think that’s what pissed me off so much. Also he copied and pasted everything including the part about us using pure water, but he doesn’t even have one. Blows my mind what some people would do.
Also thank you!! We worked really hard on the website, and we are still tweaking and changing small things.
I had a copycat act in my area who overtly imitated my business logo, and copied my business name exactly (his DBA was Alpha Window Cleaning but he was using my name “Alpha Clean” in all his marketing). He had one review on his Google page that he left as a schill for himself. I called a few times from different phones without any response so I let it be. Turns out he just folded and eventually let his domain expire.
If someone has to plagiarize and present a fraudulent image to drive their business, it’s a fair bet they haven’t got the whiskers to make it work whether they copy you or not. So you could just let it be.
But if it’s really bugging you, then try not to let emotion dictate your response. Consult with a lawyer to see if you can draft a cease-and-decist letter. Once that’s drafted, just keep it in your back pocket and start with a casual phone call to the offender, nothing nasty, and let him know you would like him to delete or edit his content so that it is not recognizably copied from your own. It’s possible he might accede to your wishes without a kerfluffle. That would be ideal. If he refuses, then don’t push anything on the phone and just have your lawyer send out the letter.
@K1ttenpantz and @Samuel
My mind is officially blown