What would you do?

Nah we changed our site anyways. About to do it again this winter bleh

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Keep it fresh.

Says the guy who gave us a 1 star review on our Google business page. Thank you for changing that btw.

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Says the girl that called me a fat housewife troll. Lol. Thanks for the insult btw

Skipper how long have you thought you have been flying under the radar on here ?

You guys just waiting for a chance to pounce over there? Dig up old dirt? Move on. I did

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Lol k :sunglasses:

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If thatā€™s not passive aggressive I donā€™t know what is.

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Thatā€™s a kittenā€¦



Is it weird that Iā€™m a little disappointed? I know my page is nothing specialā€¦ but it ranks well and has been online quite awhile. And Iā€™m proud of it, by golly. Lol.

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Something, something, Michael Jackson eating popcorn gif. Whereā€™d that thing go?


Shouldnā€™t be disappointed Alex, be proud. It means you are more in tune with your clients than I am. Iā€™ve been having to redo my site the passed 4 months working with someone and after all these years as I read it now? Meh

Looks more like someone bragging than someone empathetic. Sucks to be 45 and realize just how ridiculous youā€™ve been.

When new booties go surfing for ideas, they usually pick from the top of the list on the results page but only those who they think may be getting alot of traffic and maybe wanna brag.

Too bad theyā€™re barking up the wrong tree lol.

Donā€™t trip Alex. Staying under the radar should be everyoneā€™s goal.


If it makes you feel bettet, I had a local guy with fake negative reviews of my company (named) on his homepage.

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I bet that didnā€™t last long.

Site is down, but he never got off the second page of Google, so I didnā€™t really pay any mind.

Basically, he was saying we were overpriced and that he was the answer to that. Claimed to be a 14 year WC veteran and a member of various orgs that he was not.

He also stole his content from a friend of mineā€™s website.

Stupid ass.


I have one client whose entire old website, logo and company name was stolen and reused without permission in Europe.

Im keeping an eye on it to see if the new website gets robbed as well.

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