When did fd first appear?

Who here knows when FD became a problem, how long(years) has it been a problem, and or when tempering quality changed? Thanks ahead of time.

The first issues began to appear when low-e coatings became the norm. The manufacturers realized that low-e reacted when it hit FD and up to that point they were putting the sides w/ FD in on an IG unit so we didn’t come in contact w/ the defect. Dan Fields started noticing issues somewhere in the mid '80s I believe.

It was common in the early 90’s when I started, during the boom in new home development where I lived.

This is a big reason why it became a big issue as well. With the housing boom and building codes requiring tempered the demand for the stuff went off the chart. Housekeeping went in the toilet in many facilities and the problems got worse.

Short of a few window cleaning sites mentioning the problems of low E reacting to the fd, I have yet to find any info on it(glass industry, window film installers, painters, etc.).

I have not met one builder, glass installer, glass repairer, that has ever heard of FD… on any job I have been on. I hand out my info flyer to them on it and hope it goes a long way. Its amazing they can keep a lid on it for so long.

Hey Dave,
How true is that! Only two people(window film installer & window cleaner) in the decades of my window cleaning history, have heard of fd. I stopped at a local Block Buster store last year when they were having the outsides(strange) of their windows tinted. I asked them how often they come across fd. They had no clue what I was talking about. After talking with them for a bit they recognized the SOUND and had always wondered what it was. Last year, I heard of a painter who’s employees razored dozens & dozens of poor quality windows and doors. The outcome was not good. When it comes to many of my clients and explaining fd to them, it’s the deer in the headlights look and the “hmm, never heard of it before”. At times it makes you wonder why bother to even mention it.