Why does this keep happening to me lol

honestly don’t waste your time with this. It’s not going to go anywhere. The fella misunderstood everything from get go and is probably just embarrassed. It’s time to put this to rest

Enough said

My customer base.? Hmm the top end of town, the highest end, mostly beachfront/ waterfront views Sydney Harbour and Pacific Ocean, and won’t travel more than 15mins to a job.
Lots of internal balconies with viewing platforms above roofs where you’re never gonna get wfp access unless you want to carry it through the house and up the stairs…get the ground wet here and you’re walking dirty footprints around …but yeah unprofessional, nah just old school, travel light, carry a few drop sheets a bucket, and a mop and a milk crate and the books have never been more full…keep it simple is my motto, this is a forum if you don’t like the answers you get just keep doing it your way, didn’t mean to hurt your feelings bro just trying to help.

I see you joined two days ago so I’m going to give you a tip. If you keep talking in the aggressive manner that you do - you’ll eventually get banned on here. Not liking wfp is one thing but you come off as a serious a-hole. This is the last time I’m replying. I’m not sure what those pictures were supposed to indicate other than you clearly don’t get the point.


my word…I’m not going to argue. That’s clearly why you’re on here anyway


Oh cool! You have to carry around plastic tubs and milk crates full of tools into your customers home. Now that’s efficient and professional looking!

Of course those glass balustrades are way easier to clean by hand instead of water fed.

I have to learn all your tips and tricks!

TRAD GOD!!! I bow down at the altar of round bucket window cleaning!

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I think you’re being overly sensitive dude, just suggesting a way you can avoid it in the future,
Just cos you have a wfp doesn’t mean it’s going to be suitable for everything. …no hard feelings mate, have a good one.

Yeah nah, not carrying a wfp setup through the house and up the stairs, perhaps mark the walls and knock over some expensive ornaments, and then get those travetine tiles wet and have footprints everywhere and have their dogs walk through it then back into the house… I’m not really concerned about what looks easier…more about doing the job properly and having endless repeat work…

Ben, is that you?

Puddles of water ?? Last I seen my wfp doesn’t put out 8gpm
A Little bit of a water near any part of a house isn’t a mess.
The situation he’s in now is a “VERY RARE “ occurrence. So to use that as an example as a situation isn’t a good reference .
Yes a WFP does have its place , and 90 % of the time it’s on a window cleaning it. Which does a professional job if not better than a squeegee.
We all know who ever is operating the WFP or squeegee can do a crap job , it doesn’t necessarily have to be the tool, it more than likely can be the operator of that said tool.
BTW it’s not lazy to clean any window when you are already using the wfp to clean windows. lol :joy: That’s hilarious to say the least. Why would I go back to my truck to get a squeegee and strip washer when I have the WFP there already, or why would I bring said tools out when I’m already WFP the other windows. Makes no sense what so ever.
I use a wfp all day everyday on Garage doors sliding glass doors. Whatever !!
With no complaints ever with great results. That is the important part. Great results. A squeegee couldn’t make the windows look any more cleaner. I know sone would like to believe that it does :roll_eyes:. Like they’re the squeegee gods and posses this great skill that no one else has. Not even a WFP. Yaaaaa ok :ok_hand:
lol :joy:.


I don’t think anyone is saying a WFP is good for all situations.

Duuude BEN! I miss ALL of his stories