Hello Guys, I’m new at this Forum. Loving it so far. I have a question: what’s the best State fo the window cleaner for all year round? Thanks
Where its warm, though most states will have some slowdown in the winter, if for no reason that people spent all their money in December and don’t have plans to spend anything till march.
Thank you borther. I’m in New Jersey, hence California is a bit far from me… Texas would be my next option? thanks
Since I’m up here inNew jersey, I was thinking about Texas… I just can’t wait until March …
What county you from in NJ?
I’m new in this business. I don’t want to wait until March to start working. I have fews options but I din’t know which route I should take. Temporarily move to another state or use this time to prepare myself like training washing my won windows. Make business cards, flyers, study other marketing possibilities. I was thinking about invest in Pure water so I don’t have to use a ladder. As I said, I can’t wait 5 months to start my business. So, gutter cleaning would be route to start? 1 story house is my goal because I have a small car and a long ladder won’t fit in it. Thanks
You can definitely clean windows in NJ Oct and Nov , then push hard on gutter cleaning . Or move to Florida 🤷🏽
Thanks brother, would you enlighten me up if I decide to come down to Florida in December, which county should I aim at?
Not sure , let’s ask @Garry
Orlando has the population, but also a lot of competition. You can find a semi reasonable living situation on the edge of Orlando then drive in for work. The thing about FL is things are very spread out, so unless your near a major town you will have to drive about an hour to find anything over 50k pop. Any major area should have high end communities you can target. Stay away from Miami, way too competitive. Hopefully Garry and maybe @apkwindows can chime in.
Florida can be year round, with August and September being our slowest months. Though in a strange way thanks to the pandemic, August and September this year have been our best to date. Rarely gets cold enough to not work and in the summer we avoid starting a job after 12pm to be honest. Just too hot. October to December are our busiest and biggest months. Another reason for us to not work in the afternoon during the summer is because of the rains too. Try to be done by 2-3pm. Just don’t care to work in this heat. Not worth it. We only do gutter jobs first thing in the morning. Nothing after 10am. Just a few thoughts. We’re in Orange County, and fortunately live close to major roadways that allow for us to access a lot of Orlando and surrounding areas in 30 minutes.
So you’re looking for somewhere to move permanently to start a business? Or you’re just looking for somewhere to work in the winter?
For sure Palm Springs Ca has a strong winter window cleaning season , if you want to get your hands wet . Call up some companies , see if they can hire you for the season and get some training
Wow! wonderful information! I will probably consider moving to Orlando. I love my state, New Jersey, but as I said earlier, I just can’t afford to wait until March to start working. I will do some research on Orlando areas. Thanks, Brother
Well, not sure yet about moving permanently… I’m settled here in New jersey for quite sometime and I know the potential for WC and gutter cleaning… for now I think i would go to Orlando temporarily… but… I confess I’m a little tired of snow lol… moving there permanently only the future can tell. Thanks bother
Gee, that’s an option… thanks for this valuable information brother.
Thank you so much for your inputs. I’m considering Florida as my “temporary” W/C working site. I’m taking note of all information you’re giving me. I heard that Florida Weather is unstable as it rains all the time. I think Orlando will be my next move… Jacksonville could be an option? I want to consider Gigs availability, competition, neighborhood income etc i will do my homework before a make a decision. Someone recommend me to do gutter cleaning up here in Jersey before heading to another state. Wow, so many questions… thank you so much brother
I wouldn’t worry about the rain. It comes at pretty consistent times and you learn to plan your day around that. In Orlando, more often than not it’s going to rain sometime between 2-4pm. We’re usually done before it rains.