Window Cleaner's Guide to Surface Washing: What Can Clean What?

if you are a noob and don’t know what equipment can clean which surface, here’s a quick guide. It’s not meant to be exhaustive, and it’s up for debate, but it’s a pretty solid start and I feel really amazing about it.

What can clean what.pdf (65.2 KB)


You should, thanks for sharing!

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yeah go for it. it’s open source bruh!

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How do you define softwashing? (this can be like soap wars)
12 volt = softwash
pressure washer downstreaming = softwash
or both? I would say both 12volt for roofs, downstream everything else

I’d be beyond careful using pressure on Stucco or Dryvit. In fact don’t, just soft wash it.

yeah but you can soft wash with a pressure washer


low pressure- like under a couple hundred psi. besides, it’s about equipment, not pressure.

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You the man!