I’m looking to gather more information regarding marketing for my business. I clicked the ad about the window cleaners marketing blueprint. Anyone have an opinion on this book or review?
My main source for business so far is calling larger corporations and getting contracts for their corporate and local offices. It’s proven effective with banks and hospitals/urgent cares in my area. I handed out around 75 door hangers and precision houses I chose. Out of those 75 0 have called. I will admit my flyer wasn’t the best looking but it had all the vital information needed. Picking up storefronts is brutal and time consuming. There is a fairly large window cleaning business in my area that snags up storefronts but stays away from larger corporate buildings. What are some ways you keep consistent new clients flowing into your business?
In recommending it too people looking to expand there business. That’s how good this book is! Thank you @Chris for passing your knowledge. 1000 more blessings to you.
@Chris Too bad you don’t have any pictures of the gas station when all your rigs were filling up at once. That would of been awesome on the office wall!