Would you consider yourself a window cleaning MASTER?

Thanks for the feedback. The reason I like SteveO so much is that his videos validate the way I like to clean glass. Less physical motion than wagtailing, and very efficient. Profitable



Speed and efficiency same? What’s the difference really

Is it efficient to over squeegee a window?
Isn’t less strokes more efficient?

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I’m not sure but I think Speed is moving fast and it involves at least some heavy breathing. On the other hand efficiency is moving much slower, no heavy breathing just clean glass with less than half the energy in less time.


No. Not really. :smirk:


Master? Not really. I’m more of a grand master.


Meh. Mastery is so 2003

I “transcended” ages ago


Efficiency and speed are not mutually exclusive. You can work quickly AND efficiently.
Efficiency means maximizing results for any given movement.
Speed means maximizing movement for any given time frame.


Yogi (flat coated retriever on the left) considers me to be his master. The big dog on the right is more than 80% wolf.


I am the best.


What’s a good Wc ?

  1. Fast
  2. No drips
  3. Versal with different equipment
  4. Chair work ladder work wfp
  5. How much you make a hour $6.00 or $600
    I have done all of this but what makes a good window cleaner as a good person is how much you help other people do a good job in the business at hand!

I think these top guys are just too damn good and just need to break the monotony of what we do.

I am very down if you’ve got moves like this… you should see the dance I do when I have to hop railings so my boab doesn’t spill water down my leg


… I am a great fisherman and a Master Baiter.


Thank you Sir!

When I first started window cleaning I would always try to go fast as possible and always used the 2 hand method and the biggest squeegee possible, using a 36’’ channel as much as possible. But after doing this for 7 years Ive found that I have all the skill and knowledge I need to get through any day without rushing and worrying about speed. Now the biggest squeegee I use is an 18" and honestly its more efficient for me. This is also why ive been using the excelerator a lot lately is it make look slower but overall its a lot better then the process of using straight pulls and the alternating of tools. In Marital Arts its never about the speed or strength its all about the technique and with that you’ll always be at your best!


Thank you Mike, I would keep your ettore and just get a sorbo to add to your tool belt!


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You should try my dim mak fan technique.