Would you name your business this?

Agreed - but proves it can be done.
I remember there used to be a window cleaner in the south of England who had a hearse for a work vehicle. On the side it said “who ya gonna call”. I suppose its all about what market you want & what character you posess. Personally I think “Spit & Shine” window cleaning would have worked. My examples above just prove that even in the worse scenario for a business/product name - its still possible to compete & do well.

There was a Peeping Toms in my area until the guys stopped showing up about 3 months ago. Now I got 2 of his businesses.

I always thought “Colon Pow!” would be a great name for a bowel cleanser. :stuck_out_tongue:

I seen a plumbers truck and it had a picture of him sitting on the pot on the door. The picture went to the top of the door and his real head was there, looking at me. I laughed for 20 minutes.

I could not tell you the name of his company and this has nothing really to do with the post…