Zinc oxide

How much do you guyz charge after you have done a moss removal treatment and then apply 2 zinc oxide powder canisters to roof lines on a really reallly steep roof ? I am basically trying to get a better idea of your guys pricing on the zinc oxide treatment. I want to compare my service price to see if im charging to high or to low…If you can leave one price with just going out to apply the zinc powder and a price you would charge after a roof cleaning treatment, I give a break on price when applying the zinc oxide if the customer has purchased any other service. I apply it in powder form and do understand that some of you guys might spray it on…can you charge more for this method? I charged 80.00 yesterday to apply the zinc powder

Just to clarify, Is that $80 plus the cost of the powder, or $80 total?

80 total sorry, sounded like a fair price. I think i would want to charge least 100.00 if I was going out to a home just to apply zinc powder that to high?

I have a roof cleaning bid on Bainbridge Island today. I am going to try to upsale the zinc treatment if we get the job … what whould you charge in that area jesse on a three story home i know it might be hard without pics but just a guess tament on just to apply the powder using 2-3 canisters…

Sorry, totally off topic but the title of this thread made me think of this…


lol ok???

I totally remember that film from science class. Lol

…powder application. LOL. just watched this tonight.


Become licensed to treat the moss and charge 3 times more. http://agr.wa.gov/pestfert/docs/form4375.pdf