2023 Updated Pricing

on your invoice:

(services) “after x years @2023 infl adj rate”: $x

it is what it is, only had a couple newer people ask for a little more clarification, all the rest just pay and continue on

all we have is labor, if we dont dial in to inflation regularly it will eat us up, try it on some jobs you wouldn’t cry if you lost first and see howit goes

try this one instead, you can input the month of year too, helps you always be on top of what’s going on
quite honestly the rates for new call ins could always be adjusted each month making sure new customers start off right on

of course if it ends up at 1-2% a year it’s not such an issue

CPI Inflation Calculator (bls.gov)

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Okay, I’m on board.

Gas just jumped again!!

A customer whom I serviced in 2022 asked did the prices go up after I told her the quote. Why, yes they did lol. She wanted it done in May. It’s a pita job and I definitely do not want to be stuck in May doing it. Some jobs are a big pita you know? Like, they have those window grilles that we window cleaners love, two high ass double hungs that require bringing a ladder indoor and removing the grilles and cleaning, outside only with screen removal, heavy condo windows. The house is on a weird angle and slopes down. A certain area of the house is probably close to 3 stories. And she asks if prices went up? lol

Ya what world are you living in Ma’am? hasnt everything gone up??
Just saw this on FB today , and it kind of relates to us too.

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BTW even if that’s wood I’m pulling that thing out.
Should be easy to get out. God forbid if it breaks though, or even worse if it’s broken form the last guy. That one pisses me off to no end. So wood charge way more. Risk reward
Plastic is no problem.

It’s the aspect of being on a ladder and removing those grilles. Especially when they’re in tight and hard to remove.

Leave them in and use spray way , and 6” squeegee, rag. Just watch for drips. Works fine trust me.

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But wouldn’t they be able to see the grime from certain angles, like the area in between the grilles? Hmm but it does sound like a viable strat lol

Havnt had one complaint yet. They just don’t call back for second service :rofl::rofl:
JK BTW. Never know with you series folks.
I know this goes against all window cleaning codes. It’s again the book , it’s outside the box , it’s against the he man window cleaning club. You’ll be deemed unprofessional and a fly by night. Just don’t tell the FB gang about it, and you’ll be fine.


What’s funny is when these guys argue over WFP and Trad tools.
The trad tool guys put there chest out and make like they got this skill that know one else can posses, and That WFP’S don’t work
I just can’t wrap my head around it. I have eyes I can see what a clean window looks like. I’ve cleaned some with traditionall tools in my time lol.
Either my eyes are deceiving me or those windows are clean.
When I first got into WFP I wasn’t sure about it. I didn’t clean a few windows in my house purposely saved them for when the equipment got their.
Set it up cleaned the inside cleaned the outside grabbed a beer pulled up a chair, and just waited for the windows to dry, and what do you know it worked. Money well spent !!
So the same for the spray way it works bro Just a little more tedious, and you have to be mindful of the drips.
For me this is just for the ones that are so hard to get out. First option is always to pull them out.
I don’t force them anymore. Sometimes I also give the customer the option to save some money and pull them out themselves . I’m talking the wood ones. The plastic are always easy to pull out. Sometimes a PIA to put back.
If someone has some trick to get them out I’d like to hear it. Don’t know of one as of yet.

Getting my first wfp was a lil different. I had a large lead with French panes and thought to myself, if I close this I have to get that “water fed pole thing” lol. Ain’t no way I’m doing this trad. Sure enough I got the job and spent the next few hours watching youtube videos lol. We needed a full day and about 1-2 hours of the second day to complete, which fell on Thanksgiving. We got home around 11am and I kept asking my pops every few hours if we would still be there if we were doing it trad. He kept saying yeah, yeah, until about 6pm when he said we’d prob be right around finishing up. It was funny cause he was so against the wfp and here we are cutting the time in half (while maintaining quality).

I’ll have to test out the spray way in one house in particular that I service.