About the new forum design

It’s you dude. I just created a topic from my iPhone 6+ in about 10 seconds, absolutely no problems.

Using Safari browser

I can create a topic. Attempting to use formatting such as bold and a bullet list is another matter.

I am experiencing frustrating issues simply putting together this reply. I posted a screenshot already of how bad it can get.

Can you post a screen shot of what your seeing?

@Chris, @JohnC, I’ve experienced some similar (but less severe) glitchiness on my 5s running the 9.3 betas. It seems to have cleared up a bit since updating to the final release. I would suggest updating your OS.

There’s still a bit of jumpiness if I dismiss the keyboard, and then try to re-enter the text box to add more text. But switching between landscape and portrait views doesn’t make as much of a mess as it was in previous OS’s.

For formatting, just learn some of the codes. italics is done with one asterisk before and after the featured text, and bold is done with two asterisks before and after. And you can do both bold and italics by using 3 asterisks

  • bullet points can be done with plus signs or hyphens,
    • and can be nested to create outline views

You can also create these cool line breaks by typing 3 or more

Underscores on their own line :slightly_smiling:

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Just to be clear, if all I want to do is post a reply to a topic it works okay. If I want to format text or scroll up to review what someone said or start a new topic, that is when things get really bad.

Shouldn’t there be a tab or button to easily click over to “The Store?”



This photo shows where you can access the store with one click. When we did the redesign I chose to tone down the mixture of forum and store. I wanted the community to be separated a little from the store.

Technically it’s 2 clicks :slight_smile:

I do appreciate your separating the the forum from the store.

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Got it Chris. Looks good!

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