Aliens and Little Green Men

Curious what you would give as a probability factor of life. 0 is a tough number for me to wrap my mind around in this regard. If anything it’s closer to 0.000000000000000000000000000000000001

So if in fact its closer to the latter the possibility does exist. Of course in pure speculation that is.

But you do believe in the Grays right?

Zero is a VERY hard mathematical subject. Philosophically you could say that an actual zero doesn’t exist. It’s more of a placeholder. Infinity is a lot easier to deal with but you also can’t have an actual infinity, it’s just a concept.




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This one little sentence has been ringing in my ears.

Why " let’s hope"?

What are we hoping for? I think I lost reference.

Click on Lions name in my quote box and you’ll see it.

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Maybe so people don’t think they’re so special? Lol

I think we can ALL agree



So we discuss other life forms in the meme thread, and post memes in the Martian thread now? I am so confused. I need to get back to debating Dawn vs. Joy, and whether or not a REAL window cleaner uses a WFP


Join the club. :thinking:

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NASA chief scientist Ellen Stofan seems to think we will find alien life in about 8 years.

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I don’t think it’s probable, but it would be cool.

I have blurry memories and a sore bum?

Not sure if aliens or curry at the Irish bar


How long will the social justice primates bang on the keyboards untill one of them realises their keyboards are being forced to work against their will

Therefore the keyboards are oppressed

So the social justice warriors must rise up against the keyboard oppressors

Which are themselves

So they rise against themselves…

…, like a double negative or a black hole… this could be the way to end social justice primates


Either the universe is teeming with life whether it be carbon-based or silicon-based, or based from something we don’t quite understand yet… OR we are completely alone in the vast cosmos. Both are equally terrifying.

As noted in one of the above posts, the probability of life as we know it (Earth) is a very improbable outcome, yet it happened. So if we apply this logic to the rest of the cosmos using our model of life, then it may be that life is extremely rare, or we truly are alone, but the probability of life is more than likely based on different parameters than we have here on Earth, thus increasing the probability of life elsewhere in the galaxy and broader universe. Keep in mind, were not only talking about distances here, which are unimaginably vast, but we also have to take into consideration the 4th dimension of time (t) - which is measured in billions of years in the cosmos. So, in theory, life could have sprung up at one physical place in the universe (x,y,z), but also could have occured at various times in history, and in the future (t).

Stephen Hawking put it best, I believe - He said that life is simply what matter does given the right conditions and time. The fact that we exist here on Earth and can recognize we are living in the cosmos - that everything is literally perfect for us to be here and alive (moon, distance from sun, liquid water, etc etc.) is precisely why we are here!

tl/dr - you have to abandon reason to believe that we are the only matter that has coalesced into life in the entire cosmos. It is simply too large, has been around for too long, and there are too many combinations and permutations for it to not happen.

Now, the fun part is imagining what these beings or life elsewhere would look like to us. We need to get to Mars and find ancient life and see if their DNA matches ours, or its something else entirely different.

We also need to get under the ice on Europa and Enceladus to see what’s swimming.


We are The Flintstones and the might be aliens are Mr. Cazoo

Well said @sambo