So, I’m fed up with the chintzy hip-clip and decided I need a new system for holding my towels. What would you guys say is the best holder you’ve used? My ideal towel holder needs to be easy-to-use, fast, durable, hold the towel securely, and preferably small.
The hip clip is fairly easy-to-use, pretty fast, not small but not huge, frequently drops the towels, and is not at all durable. The way you attach it to your belt is really annoying too. If you just clip it on, it keeps coming off. But the more permanent system is very inconvenient.
I feel like the popular hammer loop idea fails for sure in the small category (I have a cool tool belt hook from Lowe’s that even swivels, but it still juts out) and I question how well it holds onto the towel. There’s nothing more annoying than reaching the top of the ladder only to discover your scrim is on the ground.
I’m considering maybe the bullring? Open to more ideas though.
I got you. 59 cents @ home depot. Gotta hog out the hole on one side to get a tiny round head bolt through it. Couple washers and your set. These have lasted me 18 months now. Format on my picture is messed up just click it.
It is so hot and humid here where I live that if I tuck it in my belt it becomes soaked in sweat.
(P.S. I never work in jeans unless we have that one week of winter. ;-))