Any app to calculate the price?

[MENTION=38617]HouseCallPro[/MENTION] now has a estimate feature and you can use the mobile app right on your phone
For another option

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I love excel also , but why do you believe 50 double hungs times the amount you want per. Is not simple Math.
Btw there is an app it’s called a calculator
School systems suck in Detroit ?? :weary:

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I seem to connect better in person, do you know what your close rate is with Responsibid? My in person close rate is around 80%, over the phone is around 50-60%… I’ve been pretty hesitant to try Responsibid, but I LOVE the idea of not driving all over the place.

Atlas Services - Exterior Cleaning Specialists
North Carolina
Atlas Services | Asheville, NC’s #1 Power Washing

My close rate this year is exactly 60%. But dont go off of my numbers because I am VERY lazy about. I let Responsibid do all of the work and I am not very proactive about contacting customers as soon as they fill out a bid. I very rarely contact anyone unless they are ready to schedule.

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So is Responsibid the ONLY thing you use then?

Atlas Services - Exterior Cleaning Specialists
North Carolina
Atlas Services | Asheville, NC’s #1 Power Washing

Tim with responsibild , how do you account for ladder work in a house ?

How about for windows that are just extremely dirty?

Windows that you have to get up on a roof to clean ?

All these things to me require up charges

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Once they get their estimate they get a disclaimer that covers the very things you just mentioned.

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Feel free to fill out an estimate on my site just leave a comment letting me know who you are so I don’t think you’re a customer please

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If you’d like a tour I can show you how ResponsiBid takes those things into account, too. Feel free to give us a call and we’ll even screenshare with you to show you anything you want. We’d love to show you around.

I just count the windows and use a calculator. It’s not rocket surgery but my price is based on experience regarding window count and how long it’s going to take me.

They just use specialized math dealing in ounces and kilos. Other than that, you just have to count to up to 17 (ie T-Bone was shot 17 times with a glock 17, Little Puppet was stabbed 12 times, etc)

I’ve always counted the windows too, and it works out pretty well…I’m just trying to figure out if Responsibid will work for me. Plus, 90% of my business is Power Washing and Roof Cleaning (the vast majority my window cleaning now gets referred to another company that I collaborate with) and I find that when a customer thinks something is 100 square feet, it’s actually more like 250. My biggest concern is that someone gets their price through my site, but then I end up having double it (or at least greatly increase it) that it will seem more like a bait and switch, disclaimer or not.

Atlas Services - Exterior Cleaning Specialists
North Carolina
Atlas Services | Asheville, NC’s #1 Power Washing

Responsibid works great for pw and roof cleaning it at least pre qualifies people especially for roof cleaning since it’s pricey

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Wouldn’t know, I only visited once. If it was meant to insult me, you just insulted the whole population of Detroit, but not me.

Thanks for the replies. I ended up building an excel sheet I use on my phone. It’s good because I email myself a copy with the clients’ details before reseting it to 0.

Just to be clear. Since people seem to think I can’t count, what it does is:

I enter the number of each type of windows in the first column, my pre-set price is in the second, the total for that type of window is in the third.
At the bottom, it tells me the sub-total, the taxes and the total.

So, I grab my phone and go around the house and add up the types of windows in the spreadsheet as I go, on each side of the house. I don’t need pen and paper (I always seem to lose my pens and I never lost my phone) and then it’s faster than having to sit down, write everything down, do multiple calculations and then calculate the taxes, add them and come up with the final price while the client is waiting. I’m sure I save at least 5 minutes per bid since I use this.

Anyway, ResponsiBid looks great for the website and I will think about it.

Good to know. I know you’ve used Responsibid and Housecall. Apart from the CRM aspect, which do you like better for getting new business?

Atlas Services - Exterior Cleaning Specialists
North Carolina
Atlas Services | Asheville, NC’s #1 Power Washing

No, it was directed at [MENTION=1736]JfromtheD[/MENTION] - he’s our representative from Detroit, ladder extraordinaire, bosun master, and all around great guy. Unless you piss him off.

Yeah, with your work flow responsibid would be a great tool. My work flow is pretty simple, I count the windows on each floor, multiply and write it down as “$xxxx + tax”.

Oh, I do have a rpn calculator on my phone which allows me to “stack” each result and then add the values together easily. But rpn calculators aren’t everyone’s cup of tea.

Responsibid because it’s on your website crm housecall
If your comparing the two

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