Any Luck with Free Websites?

For the record, when I started this thread I thought a decent website would cost hundreds of dollars a month. Thanks to the many HELPFUL responses from the folks here, I now know how affordable a website is and will soon have one.

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dont let others to get to you and remember that everyone has made bad choices (not implying you have) in their businesses they just have selective memory :slight_smile:

this thread has given you great options. Let us know what you come up with once you get your site live

Thanks for the good advice. I’ll be looking into these options this week!

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How’s your schedule for August 19th right now?
Whattcha got going on September 2nd?

Incidentally, your domain name has been sold.
You can pay $70 to contact the current owner. And then expect to pay $1000-some? to buy it from them. If they are willing to sell.
Or you could do the awesome “dot biz” or another “dot fer shizzle” name.

Point is, time is money way more than you think when it comes to online presence.
But it sounds like you’ve already got it all figured out…

So go ahead and get that free website, and enjoy the spam and malware.

You (and others) will think I’m being harsh.
But truth is, I don’t care if you succeed or fail.

I’m pretty reserved when it comes to advice, so try not to take it the wrong way when I actually DO attempt to help.

The cheapest way is to learn and do it yourself.
And you’ve started to do that, even if I don’t agree with your previous decision.

Best of luck!! :slight_smile:

[MENTION=37356]Atlas[/MENTION] don’t listen to jfromthed his bar bill is going to be $2220.00 tonight :slight_smile:

Build your website call Anya from Ambiedextries , an have her do your
Seo for you .

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[QUOTE=JfromtheD;309367]How’s your schedule for August 19th right now?
Whattcha got going on September 2nd?

Incidentally, your domain name has been sold.
You can pay $70 to contact the current owner. And then expect to pay $1000-some? to buy it from them. If they are willing to sell.
Or you could do the awesome “dot biz” or another “dot fer shizzle” name.

Point is, time is money [B]way[/B] more than you think when it comes to online presence.
But it sounds like you’ve already got it all figured out…

So go ahead and get that free website, and enjoy the spam and


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I think it’s interesting that people feel so passionately about websites and that they define your business even more than the tools to complete a job. While i don’t disagree that a great website is a large component to a healthy marketing strategy they will not make or break you.

i started in 1996 and about to make 18 years in about a month and I have only had a website for about 4 years.

A person cannot ignore the power of a quality website but your overall success is not defined by a website

I have. Additionally, JfromtheD is a long standing member of WCR who has helped lots of people. Just because you don’t like what he says or how he says it doesn’t mean you need to stoop to name calling.

Chill out a little bit. There’s good people here, who want to help. If you don’t like what someone says, let it go. Or if you feel the need to defend yourself, that’s fine too. Just remember that there’s a difference between “defending yourself” and “getting defensive.”

Good luck to you.


It’s not like I was beating someone up about needing squeegee rubbers, or a bucket.
This is a $2000 WFP setup we’re talking about.

And yes, I went 20 years without a website. And a cell phone, and internet, and about 10 years without cable.

Like I said, I don’t really care. And I actually thought I was trying to be [B]nice[/B] in my last post. :confused:

That’s awesome. I think I might make that my ‘signature!’ :cool:

Paying for my site was the best thing I ever did, lol.

Website, internet , cellphone ok. Cable oh man I would run a line from my nieghbors house before I go without that . Your beloved Tigers how did you do it?

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If you want to DIY a website then do a quick google search for the most reliable hosting company near you - reliability is essential & its worth paying extra for a service with daily off-site backups & guaranteed uptime.

Before you buy your domain name do some keyword research - sign up for google webmaster tools and use the keyword planner to see exactly what search terms are used most in your area, and build your site from the ground up to focus on the search terms that will generate the most traffic. You may be tempted to go with but DONT!! That domain name will appeal only to people who already know your company! Choosing something along the lines of your city/town name followed by usually performs much better in Google.

Don’t forget to use geographical keywords - most people searching Google type in the name of the service they need AND the town/city where they live,… you need to appear in these searches.

Build in wordpress - its free, easy to uses, has thousands of free plugins to extend it and a HUGE support forum if you get stuck. Its way easier than learning java/html/css & building from scratch.

Use a paid theme ($75 or so, but worth every cent) that is responsive to screen size so it works on mobile phones & tablets. Try Website Templates | WordPress Themes | ThemeForest or [url=]Website Templates | Web Templates | Template Monster for themes.

Pay a professional proof reader to spell check the result - that $30 cost is worth its weight in gold!

DONT build a website thats all “About Us”, “Our Story” and “How We Work” - - the customer doesn’t care. Focus on your services - your website is there to make sales so SELL! Put your services at the front of the site with separate pages for window washing, CCU, pressure washing, gutter services etc etc.

Use REAL photos,… stock photos dont sell. Use photos with people in them (preferably you) actually in the process of cleaning a window. Remember that you’re not selling a service via your website - you’re selling yourself as a service provider - so make sure website visitors can see what they’re buying!

Right now my website just exists. I try to work SEO when I have time and will be totally doing it over when I have some time this winter. I only wanted the site so customers could see what I do, pictures and descriptions of services. My web address is on every piece of marketing material and business cards.

For $120/year I couldn’t complain, it does the job. I would say about 90% of my customers are referral or met out and about while wearing my uniform or doing route work, 5% from door hangers/fliers and the other 5% from my website.

For my company a website isn’t that big of a money maker in my area. For others it may be their money maker.

Test the waters and see what works best for you and your market, but use what EVERYONE is saying and give it a shot. This industry is hit or miss, up and down at different times for every company… What flyer works in the south may not work up north but does ok in the west.

Good luck

Mike Radzik
Pro Window Cleaning
Central Massachusetts

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lol. I’m talking about before cable was an option…

Currently? No way could I do it!
I am, admittedly… Comcast’s bitch!

Lets keep it civil, guys

I am, admittedly… Comcast’s [B]bitch[/B]![/QUOTE]

I am madly in hate with Comcast. If an area doesn’t have FIOS, I wont live there lol