Can I place a ladder against a glass window

I am working in a new housing estate where the main window of the houses are very high. Using a ladder I have to place the ladder against the glass of the window. The glass is double glaze.
There will be no angles the ladder will be straight up. Is it safe to place a ladder against glass and without hopefully cracking the glass.

Thanks for any info.

i owuldnt risk it. if your going right on the glass. If it had aluminum or metal separateors u could rest against tha. But safely and with out risk i wouldnt rest against window. maybe its time for a wfp

Hi Doc,
I would not have enough work like this to justify the cost of a wft.

It is never safe to lean a ladder against glass. It’s also not safe to place a ladder straight up. You could try a standoff like one of these - Werner Ladder - Accessories [url=]Werner Ladder - Accessories to stay off the glass. If not a lift or wfp are your safest options.

To set a ladder at the proper angle, the base should be 1 foot from the wall for every 4 feet in height. This makes a 75 degree angle.
An easy way to estimate this angle is to put your toes at the ladder base and extend your arm. Your hand should just reach the ladder rungs. If the rungs are too close to you, the ladder angle is too steep. If the rungs are too far from you, the ladder angle is too broad.

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It is my professional opinion that placing a ladder against a glass window would not present a problem as long as you use ladder mitts. However climbing that ladder would be extremely risky.


Sorry lads, I know I said there will be no angles, I ment that it would be at the normal 75 degree angle, not anything unusual.

Thanks tony for the links, they look as if they could do the job. I will have to check the sizes as Size could be a restriction as the width of the windows are approx 6ft. I dont know if I can get these in Ireland, but I will try my local supplier. (If they span to 72")

Mike I have not got ladder mitts but I am going to look them up. Thanks for the tip I am going to try them.

I’ve done it but on main floor living room window, I kept the ladder as close to the top frame as possible and as steep as I dared. I would never do it high up or at a 75 degree angle. Not sure if it’s safe or not but it is CRAZY. at some point you’ll fall through a window if you get in the habit of doing this… has to happen. Assume it will happen.

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72"? Perhaps a sectional ladder is what you need. Can you post a picture of the windows that present a problem?

There is no sectional over there Mike, but the do have “pointers”. A pointer is an extension ladder with a top like a sectional, and I think you are correct, it may take 2 trips up the ladder but it would be the safest way to access the windows

Photo as requested.
Looking at it again its not 6ft wide more 4.5 to 5 ft. I have to move the ladder twice to get the top corners.
As you can see by the photo the only place I can place the ladder is where the wood is on the window and depending on the ground leval the ladder does not always fit on the wood. The front yard is very small too small to have a larger ladder go above the window and keep the 75 degree

Looks like a pointer would work, place it on the frame, about half way up the window and you should be good

Thanks Pat, I have used one before, think they are very heavy for one person to manovour. Will see if I can get a lighter one.

As a matter of interest are you from Macroom?

i have quite often placed my ladder at a steeper vertical angle than what is ideal. have no problems i have seen many photos online of ladders placed at shallow almost horizontal angles and you can see they are close to slipping

most likely i would use a small extension arm+swivel squeegee on the windows in that foto, a 1 foot extension . i have never put a ladder against glass ,as a previous poster wrote you WILL break it someday if you do that

:DYes I am, does my fame precede me ?:smiley:
Forgot what my user name was on here:mad:

That’s what I call a 3 for 1. Three windows one ladder move.

I really don’t see the big deal. What size ladder do you have?

I agree. 3 for 1 no problem.

LOL!!! Awesome answer! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Go over. I can’t understand why anyone would even ask the question or make a thread about something so basic, ladder work 101.