Contest! Want $200 of free stuff?

I think that the silliness factor has definitely raised its head during all this, for sure.

However, some great marketing strategy has also been demonstrated, and some good lessons shown.

I think that for a first contest like this, the participation and submissions are great! I think we’ll have to do more of this…

I think it may help some of the folks on here to put this prospect in perspective. Let’s say he is calling about a complex of five 2 story buildings worth $25,000 a year to you. Do you dare send him just a quote on a sheet of paper?

Not me, first I create a personal cover letter and a easy to read estimate… but that is nothing new. I also enclose a report titled:

How to Make the Best Damned Chili You Ever Had in 20 Minutes!

Sometimes 1 personal detail will trump a stack of sameness. It does not need to be incredible. I do not feel a graphically enhanced estimate would sway a guy like Chris. We need to do better than that or it may fall to the lowest bidder.

To be honest, if I was going in to quote this job I would add even more personal touches. We are talking about $25k

I am late on this one… sorry…

I was hoping Mark would do a video entry… that would have been sweet…
and it would have been acurate. The the WCR and all the video blogs, an interactive proposal would have caught their attention. It may have been something quick and dirty… or something slick. :eek:

How do you know it was for 25k? there was no parameters! I do like the idea of chilli though that is a need touch, actually a damned sweet touch.

my bids for bigger jobs are always about 3 pages, normally do include a cover page, but no pics, I am going to start adding them in as well. I will now add in a recipe or two, as well. Thanks for some nuggets from the gravy CFP.

What I like about this thread of Kevin’s is the fact that it causes us to focus on details. It also evokes us to think a little more out of the box.

I know the job is worth $25k because “Chris” called and asked for a quote.

I truly believe that if some people on here started digging into a few juicy jobs they would love to have and implement a little personalization and perceived effort, they may get one or more of them.

Try it, what’s to lose

[SIZE=“6”]And the winner is…[/SIZE]

// YouTube

Congratulations Matt!

I’m so excited!

when do we get to chat chit?

Congrats Matt!

Great job everyone else!

Congratulations Matt! Job well done.

Hey Matt, well done. I liked them all, even the beer jug one.

I really liked yours and Brennan’s, and Micha’s too.

I honestly thought you had it for sure, yours was good.

Attaboy, Matt!

Great job by all participants!