Customer blaming me for basement flooding

Well said bro :ok_hand:

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Meeting today to see what happened.

I hope things work out bro keep us posted, oh and beware of the fake attorney friend. Dont talk too much and keep your composure.


Say very little, admit nothing and don’t argue. Take pics, and dry to video or audio record if you can.

I feel for you, the customer sounds very opportunistic.


Agree with the others. This is a fact finding mission only for you. Gather what information that you can and give none. Then pass that information off to your insurance agent. That will be the end of your involvement. GIVE NO STATEMENT TO HIS ATTORNEY FRIEND.


Exactly. Took the words right out of my mouth.

Even if the down spouts didn’t fully clear it doesn’t translate into the cause of his basement flooding. The cause of the flooding is most likely openings or cracks in the foundation where water can penetrate into the basement. If his house isn’t properly sealed then that’s on him not you.

I’m interested to see how this pans out.


The basement and the gutters and downspouts are not any function of each other.

If there were no gutters the basement would have flooded because IT LEAKS.
If there were the best gutters on the planet the basement would have flooded because IT LEAKS.


He likely had the gutters installed to avoid a pre-existing more costly situation that he is now trying to get someone else to pay for. If the sloap from his house isn’t right, that isn’t the fault of the gutter cleaner. Plus, as someone else said, if it is flooding now, what happened before they were cleaned?


This guy is unbelievable… A total Tool
With a capitol T

If it were me. I would have to bring someon to stop me from giving him a beating.
Ok deep breathes !!!

Lol. Man not even my problem an see what he is doing to me.

Good luck bro. Lots of good info here


Exactly !!!

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Good luck man. This guy is beyond unreasonable.

Seems incredibly odd that an attorney would come out with him. Smells like bs


Personally, I would consult my agent before going out there. Now that he is threatening with an attorney, he is trying to bully you into a set direction.

This is unfamiliar ground for you to be on. You are not an attorney or an insurance agent. Neither are you a scammer, so you likely don’t know how they think. This is all setting up to be a trap for you. Talk to the agent first, get their direction. If you screw things up inadvertently, you could back yourself into a corner.


So what happen ?

I met with him and his attorney for about 10 minutes. It went pretty civil. He showed me a video of a downspout overflowing that got into his basement. He admitted to me that it’s a very old house and the foundation couldn’t take the water spilling.

I didn’t accept any blame. Basically told him when I left everything was clean and clear. Told him I will contact my insurance. After I left I called my insurance agent and explained what is happening. He told me it’s the homeowners insurances responsibility to do a investigation and prove that I am at fault, then my insurance will step in and defend me. He said it’s unlilkly I’m to blame and that he’s trying to bully me. Told me to sit tight for now and if I get any litigation in the mail to call back.


Phew! That was a nail-biter! Good job dude!

Thanks for posting your experience.

Valuable information for everyone to know anything is possible


I thought for sure I’d get sued a few years ago. Regular customer asked if I could hose off some compacted leaves from a crease in her roof. Unfortunately the flashing wasn’t sealed right and water started running down her interior wall.

Thank God she was super nice and understanding, said it wasn’t my fault. I was mortified though.

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He needs to fire his lawyer

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I think that unless you flush the downspouts there’s no way to know for sure that it drains properly. Not saying you are to blame for the flooding, just saying it’s hard to know for sure it was in working condition when you left. A blower will not show you always if there is a clogg.

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