Customer blaming me for basement flooding

Talked to my insurance again. They gave me the number to give him to file a 3rd party claim. They agreed with me that it’s a foundation issue not gutter.

This is crazy. Sounds like you were setup. If this customer could have made a claim against his landscaper for water in his basement he probably would.


Hands down absolute best move you have made so far. Let them handle it from here and go get some work done.


“This must take place before end of business today! No exceptions.”
Or what happens, you douchebag bully. Hate this guy and his efforts of intimidation. Kudos to you for keeping it professional.


“The saga continues” this guy thinks he’s a supervillan


Really!!! No Exceptions??? Haha people like this just trigger me so bad. I would have a hard time not laughing in the guys face. What a joke. Sorry you are going through this bro, Every time he emails or calls now I would just say he needs to go thru your insurance company, if that is the route you choose. I wouldn’t even talk to him.


We had a claim this year.

Dude spent 5-7k before even calling us.

Think it’s the first time I gave the insurance company work. I know the guy wanted drywall several grades above what he had. Was a blessing to turn it over to them and focus on making money.



Lol :joy:

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Guys a clown


Here is the crazy thing he is saying his insurance will not cover it so your should? What a bully. If this was something I really did I would work with people to get it fixed, but went someone presses you like this I just can’t stand it. Man, so sorry for you.

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Wow. This went way far past ‘too far…’


Im pretty sure you killed his dog, raped and pilaged his family compound as well…

Next time don;t let paper pushers come up up wiith a bullshit cause of the problem.

You had a number of posts saying “get out there and find out what the issue was.”
For some reason, I see a bunch of dipshits, who weren’t there… telling you, what YOU did.


Meaning, the cust, the lawyers (why are they even involved?) etc…

Because the guy was a dipshit


Ditto. If he made any more threatening emails I’d be very tempted to reply, “I’ve forwarded all of your messages to my lawyer, so he can advise me on what to do about your harrassing behavior. I have been more than helpful with your situation with your faulty basement, and your lack of adequate flood insurance. This is the last communication you will receive from me. All further communication will be through my lawyer and insurance company.”

But the smarter choice would probably be to just mark him as spam and forget he exists… :man_shrugging:


Not nearly as serious as the OP situation, but we had blinds with screws too short come off a door and the customer didn’t hesitate to put it on us. Come to find out that the husband is a lawyer, and when we explained in an email how it occurred and how we have a reasonable expectation that blinds won’t fly off the door, she didn’t acknowledge that and just stated that it’s going to cost ex amount (the amount she withheld from paying us btw). The blinds even cut my wife’s arm and the woman just blames us. I contacted my insurance just to put them on notice. I’m nervous the woman will say we damaged her door, too or make up something else. I know this is an old thread but didn’t want to start a new one :smiley:

Anyone else ever been accused of damaging something you had no idea was improperly installed or had pre-existing damage?

If we pre inspect homes prior to our service we can identify a lot of potential problems. However some can slip by us. This sounds frustrating but “he who touched it broke it” is the common mental thread that binds us to our customer lol.
Question: Was this something you could have quickly resolved by getting a little bit longer screw and reinstalling the blinds? If they were broken what would it have cost to offer a replacement…? Sadly we are at times responsible even when it truly isn’t our fault. At times we can explain what happened, but we can also be a hero if we can come up with the solution.
Sorry your wife got hurt in the process, hope for a happy ending.


The bottom part of the blinds that connects to the bracket to keep it from moving around broke in two pieces. It could be super glued, and we could’ve gone out to buy longer screws to keep it from falling again but they didn’t even want us to handle the legwork of buying a new one and getting it installed. I’m at the point I’m willing to give them back what they did pay just for the peace of mind if she comes back to us saying we owe her hundreds more for whatever bs reason she comes up with. $510 job that took us another hour because she wouldn’t stop interrupting our work to talk to us about nonsense or quiz us about how we clean the windows.

Just very frustrated but hoping it gets resolved tomorrow and after that she gets blocked. Always November when we get one unreasonable customer in the middle of our busiest season.

We’ve had to replace broken panes or busted up screens before and the customers have always been kind and understanding. Even offering to pay for part of the repair but we refuse to accept that. This woman, though, didn’t want to consider any chance it wasn’t properly installed. The brackets even had spacers on them with the tiniest of screws. Cost of doing business but this one stings.

If you zoom into the third photo, you can see the screws coming out of the bracket.

Do whatever you can to move on and avoid a bad review, assuming the $ damage is under $150. How much did she withhold? After that I would always be busy, as you plan on doing. :grin: I dont know that I’ve ever had to deal with someone like this, but I guess its just cost of business. I’m sorry it happened to you, and Im glad your wife wasn’t seriously hurt. (Hit in the eye, etc)

Also, looks like they installed it with just the screw directly in drywall. :man_facepalming: I have to agree it was installed sub par.