Dish Soap

It’s possible! I wouldn’t say yes but don’t rule it out. Haha

i’m going to get some lucky charms RIGH NOW!
what dave says about using straight tsp makes sense and after all this discussion i am going to try it again solo, my only issue with it was may hands, some are sensitive to it and madge would never say “your soaking in it now” (only old geezers like me will get that reference.

if tsp is not slippery enough for there is nothing on this planet that is. i have to be extra careful driving because the tsp in the truck can cause me to slide off the road. never try to climb a ladder with tsp on your hands you will end up in the hospital.
i once looked at a bottle of tsp AND FELL DOWN!!!

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I’ve used TSP plenty and found that there is a tipping point between 2 teaspoons and one full tablespoon per gallon of water. 2 teaspoons of TSP is about the same slip quality as glass gleam while 1 tablespoon will be more slippery than any dish soap. As with dish soap, more TSP in the mix means more haze if you miss a spot. But with TSP the haze will wipe off easily with a dry towel. Much more easily than glass gleam or dish soap smears. Hope this helped.

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I just ordered some on Amazon. All I see everywhere k go is the green box. So looking forward to trying it out

Dange how is the wet time compared to GG? Does it stay wet in the sun like GG or does it dry quickly like dish soap?

@Dangerous Have you ever tried the liquid version of TSP?

I have never tried TSP, but I would like to try it with the Liquidator.

I find the Liquidator only works well if you use a lot of soap. Then that means more suds. If there was a soap with less suds and crazy slip - That would be great!

i switched to liquid right away.

Cool. How well does it work?

works great, i like that it mixes in so easy.

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