DIY ladder attachment for removable panes

Hey guys! Today I spent a bit of family time with my parents and finally got part of a project done that I’ve been wanting to tackle for a while now.

For a good time now, I’ve wanted to make my own ladder attachment for interior residential double panes. I know there is equipment you can buy, but I wanted to give it a go myself first.

It’s not 100% complete quite yet. I’m adding a 2" aluminum channel under the rungs that the pane of glass rests on, so that it will catch any water drippage. I’m also going to coat it with some paint (probably blue) and dip the rungs in rubber tool dip.

Next is probably a DIY screen washer. :wink:

Let me know what you guys think!

Very cool! Nice work.

Suggestion… maybe dip the whole setup in the rubber coating to protect the whole window frame while it is resting on the setup.

Looks great!

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I could still do that. I haven’t dipped any part of it yet.

It was just a suggestion for a cool IDEA! :wink:

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Great idea but Isn’t there already a attachment kit, with drip tray that is sold to do this?

95% of inserts we clean are pulled from inside the home, with no drip tray this is outdoor use only. That’s a waste of time to run all inserts outside to clean.

Someone didn’t read my last paragraph. :frowning:

I’m not finished with it yet. I’m adding a drip tray to this.

Also, the kit you buy on wcr is $210! I wanted to see if there was a cheaper alternative, and I bought these materials for about $15-$20.

Correct someone didn’t, is this welded and is it steel

Humm, if you flip it over, couldn’t you rest it on a window sill?

Yes, it is a very sturdy steel. The hooks that attach to the ladder and the rungs for the glass were all heated and bent to match the angle of the ladder. The rungs were bent separately and welded to the main support. I can post progression pictures if you’re interested!

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I guess you could once the rungs get their rubber coating, but the stops on the rungs wouldn’t allow it to lay flat on the sill.

What you’re doing is cool comma I have just been revisiting this idea cuz my Winmate trays are at the point I need to start repairing them or replacing.

Was the other one being sold patented? I do like your idea better good job

Well the other one is being sold here on the wcr shop. My supplies cost about $20 compared to wcr’s $210 and mine will fit almost any ladder as well.

Don’t mean to rain on your parade, but… here goes, lol:

There’s an updated link to the video in post #16, I believe.

My “easel” fits in my pocket… beat that for simplicity and compactness :smirk:

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Need to fix your link:


The system won’t allow edits to posts made prior to the forum update last year

Btw, it’s funny to see just how much my technique has changed/improved in the last couple years

If I did a lot of removable panes, I’d make my own easel. I wouldn’t want to drag a ladder around inside a house.

1 - 2x2x0.125 aluminum channel cut at 12"
2 - 1x1x0.062 square tubing cut at 60"
1 - 2x1x0.125 aluminum channel cut at 24"

Then make an A frame that’s collapsible and easy to carry around from room to room and lean it up against the wall. Maybe use carpet to pad everything and good to go.

Love this part of video “Don’t need to put down a drop cloth unless in a fancy house” tell that to the customer.

Gets the job done but id be a little concerned with tilting when too much pressure is applied to either right or left corners.

To each his own. I enjoy my project and think it will do me very well. The pegs wouldn’t win me over, I don’t think, but the idea is a good one!

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Haha, I forgot I said that… :grimacing:

I throw down a drop cloth whenever necessary. Dark stained pine flooring, well worn and dinged up, and the homeowner is 3 states away… sure I use a dropcloth now… :grin:

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