First time self employed

I am totally new to the window cleaning business and self employment. I am wanting to do this part time for extra income so I don’t have a whole lot of cash to throw around. I do have about $350 to get me started. I have been to lowes and debated about spending money on the Ettore Pro Grip washer/squeegee combo and Scrub Off. Does anyone have a decent setup for traditional residential cleaning within that budget?

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Definitely but shop here and get the good stuff.

Welcome to the world of being self-employed.

Respectfully, being successfully self-employed takes ALOT of initiative. No one will hold your hand and do it for you. You will spend a lot of time working that you won’t get paid for.

There are many, many threads on this forum recommending gear. There are extensive discussions of basic tools and good setups with specific price points.

I suggest you get to work reading and researching.

All the best.


Most of that info has been discussed. Some is personal preference. You will develop your own preferences over time, so it’s best to stick to something simple at first until you learn what you like. There really is no right or wrong answer.


Don’t limit yourself to the reviews. The owners of this board have compiled a phenomenal amount of information here over the last 10 years, and it is searchable. Use the search bar and look up specific phrases like “tool belt setups” or “starting up supplies” or variations of those.

Many of us have spent years discussing these things. We may not have the time to answer these questions over-and-over, but those conversations are here for you if you’re willing to do the work.

That is the self-employed life: lots of opportunities if you are willing to put in the work.

Truly, I mean no disrespect. It’s just that most of us are way too busy to rehash these topics 2 or 3 times per week (or 10 times per week in the Spring) when new guys show up asking the same questions.


Let me post this before @wcs does.:kissing_heart: