Getting started...Gear setup

Sorry for delay. I was having issues replying

I agree with what BostonMike is telling someone new. Practice your fanning and trying to minimize passes and detailing.

However, I would say about fifty percent(subjective) of the time I see guys fanning big glass they could be done much quicker if they used a long wide body channel, like Sorbo.

On big glass, heck even medium size glass, straight pulls down and straight pulls acrossed are faster with a long Sorbo channel. Watching guys fan big glass with little squeegees looks pretty but it makes my body hurt, thinking about it.

I think learning to fan with a long wide body squeegee really sets you above the curve, too. But for someone new to this, it can also be frustrating and create bad habits.

This setup will allow you to do the most work with the least gear. Take it from @wcs he knows what the heck he is talking about.

Later, when you have a better grasp of the business you can play with big channels and swivel tools and all that jazz to boost efficiency.


Fanningā€¦is that where you curve thru the window working your way down? Obv straight pull isā€¦well straight ha

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I keep seeing people suggesting brass or stainless steelā€¦any brand better than others? Looking Unger, but hear Sorbo is good. Tho Sorbo doesnt have any brassā€¦

Brass is heavy. I get my Sorbo from Amazon

Which sorbo? Cobra?


Awesomesauce. Knew 1 day my amazon prime would be worth it. Guess it takes starting a window washing business to do it hahah

I recommend Ettore brass. I wrote up a post explaining the differences between standard channel materials here


I would recommend buying from the owners of this forum:

They have been my go-to since i started. The prices are reasonable and the customer service is unbeatable. Plus, they were window cleaners, so they know their stuff. (Not to mention itā€™s thanks to them you get all this free information and guidance.)


Very. True. Cobra channels are actually cheaper here. But idk if they come with rubber. Reguardless still nice prices. But doesnt hurt to have multiple ways to get product.

I couldnā€™t find the 22" Sorbo on WCR.

Channels always come with rubber.

Also, I would recommend the unger ninja sleeve. The microtiger suggested above falls apart very quickly and the Moerman one has no scrubbing power. The ninja holds crazy amounts of water, scrubs well, and is very durable.

And while i do agree a big sorbo squeegee is a must-have, I strongly agree with @wcs and @Samuel that you can invest in that later. The gear Steve suggested is more versatile and cheaper. You can still do straight pulls with it too. Plus, it takesā€‹ normal rubber. Sorbo channels require special rubber and itā€™s a lot more expensive.

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The cobra? Yea $13.39. I dont know how to post pics or such yet.

@BaBz just pick a brand of channels to start, ettore or Unger brass or stainless steel are fine. Get 18-10" channels brass can warp thatā€™s why I perfect stainless steel channels they are super durable.


Yeah they didnt have that back when i ordered. Cheaper price. But shipping :confused:

@wcs ok thanks. I like the fact that there is really no right or wrong set up. You guys have all been great. Ty again


How do you post other peoples post? Or their pics? My copy/paste doesnt workā€¦