Nothing like being slightly more tan than some people can handle. Got called an a-hole, f-ing queer and told to go back to Mexico for asking the owner of this vehicle to remove it from my lawn. Of course, being the upstanding citizen he is, he claimed his rights and said code allowed him to park there and the police couldn’t do anything about it. Then his upstanding daughter drove over that part of my lawn on her way out.
Just a side note: I’m not Mexican. Son of hard working Hondurans. And if I were mexican, that’d be fine too. They’ve lived in this house for 17+ years, they’re American citizens, I was born in Florida and call it home.though I do love tacos as much as chick fil a. It’s not the first time I’ve been treated discriminately, I’ve been scolded for speaking Spanish in public, giving the cold shoulder and nasty stares. All over my ethnicity. But today takes the cake. Maybe I should have thicker skin but I hate being treated like I was. So all of you, have a tamale and a taco for me today.
Neighbors, though they’re moving out. Has happened several times and we’ve asked several times they not do so. They’re the only ones to do so, no one else in the neighborhood parks on others lawns. Renters, they can be the worst.
Mow the lawn and hit the truck…you need get the grass under the truck dont you? Plus would prove your not Mexican…Mexicans know how to work around obstacles very well so hitting the truck proves your not lol (no offense as my fiance is Mexican)
I never understand how people can be jerks like that. Besides just wanting to be friendly, honestly, in this day and age you don’t know who has a gun and is nuts. There’re too many crazies out there to just provoke people over something stupid. Someone near here was recently shot dead over a casual basketball game between kids!