How Do You Use One Restore Without Killing the Window?

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I have a client who has water spots on 7 of his windows. I’m scheduled to clean them on Monday. I heard great stuff on the forum about One Restore so I purchased it but the darn product has no instructions on how to use it properly.

I tried searching online for instructions, but it’s like it’s assumed that everyone knows how to use it :frowning: I’ve heard all types of different techniques on using the stuff, but nothing concrete.

My main concerns are:

  1. What’s the ratio of One Restore to water?
  2. How long do I let the solution sit on the window before removing it?
  3. Can I use my applicator to apply the solution?
  4. Can I use my squeegee to remove the solution?
  5. After I squeegee the window, should I wash it down with clean water and just let the window dry off on its own?
  6. How do I dispose of the solution after I’m finished using it?

Any help is much appreciated. As always, you guys are the greatest :smiley: I’d be a totally hopeless window cleaner without ya’ll.

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Call the manufacturer, Eacochem, they should be able to answer all your questions.

My main concerns are:

  1. What’s the ratio of One Restore to water?

… Use it straight.

  1. How long do I let the solution sit on the window before removing it?

… There is no set time. It depends on mineral build up. Experiment.

  1. Can I use my applicator to apply the solution?

… Put it in a little squirt bottle. Squirt it on and
work it around with a white scrubby. Wear gloves.

  1. Can I use my squeegee to remove the solution?

… Hose it off. Low pressure as if pouring from a cup. Water neutralizes it . Then squeegee.

  1. After I squeegee the window, should I wash it down with clean water and just let the window dry off on its own?

… See 4.

  1. How do I dispose of the solution after I’m finished using it?

… Just make sure that whatever has run off the window
is well diluted by the hose.


where did you get this info from?

Matthew is right. I usually apply it with a small strip washer. That way I don’t drip as much.

You can always call Mike at EacoChem if you have other questions.
OneRestore | Product Details | EaCo Chem - Results That Sell!

Thank you. Thank you! Thank you!! I feel more comfortable about getting the work done right now.

In your experience what would you say is a decent amount of time to let the solution sit on windows that don’t have severe build up?

I’m serious, call the manufacturer

What he said,
there have been a few here that have posted having issues after applying at full strength.

I use a lot of it. 1st, don’t let it dry on the glass. Dwell time is a minute or two. Rinse, old Eacochem instructions were to pressure wash off. I use a garden hose, even in a lot of shower enclosures. Watch your substrate. Don’t use on polished marble or granite. It will remove concrete stain too. It can and will fade some paints. Always pre wet prior to application, everything in the runoffs way. Control your runoff. I think there is a 90 degree application limit. Don’t use in direct sun. Wear gloves. I apply with a flip-top bottle directly onto the glass, wipe around with a white scrubby.,dwell rinse, repeat if necessary. Respirator is advised, and it burns like a mother if it gets in your eyes. Safety glasses. It works great, but it wont take out the silicate, if there is any underneath all the calcium…I mostly use it as a pre clean to polishing.


Someone needs to start a Windowpedia article on this kind of stuff.

First use gloves and eye protection.

Experiment a little. Just have plenty of water ready to wash off not only the window, but also the wall and ground beneath the window. In fact, i usually wet the ground and and the wall beneath the window out of an “abundance of caution” so that the chem doesn’t hit the wall at full strength should it drip down.

Apply a small amount to an inconspicuous spot at the bottom corner of the window. Leave it on for maybe ten seconds and rinse and see what the results are (scrub a little with applicator if you want). If it needs more leave it in for longer until you get the desired results.

Start small and go from there. Don’t slather the window and walk away to do something else or you are going to have some problems.

Also, don’t let the stuff dry on the window. I’ve heard that its not good.

So have plenty of water, start small, leave it on for maybe 5-10 seconds to start, and work up from there.

You use any high strength cleaner (especially acids and even buffered acids) the same way that porcupines have sex-- very carefully.

Oh and consider a respirator if the ventilation is not that great. They say this stuff isn’t that bad, but it is still nasty stuff to breath in.

Oh and call EacoChem and talk to them too.

Ok I see Dave posted while I was typing. I agee with what he says;)

Yes you can dilute One Restore I have been using One restore/Safe Restore for the past 3 years.
And found that diluting it with water that you are able to use it on a lot of surfaces with great results.
For me anyway that using one part of One Restore/Safe Restore to three parts water is a great all around heavy duty cleaner.
It is good for builders clean to clear that cement haze at that strength also.
It can be dilited more if you like it is still a good all around cleaner in my experience.
Do use it full strength only if the diluted one dose not work out.
At the end of the day it is up to your self what strength you would like to use at.

Lynn the owner inventor is on pressure washing institute along with many other veterans who have used all his products.

I personally gave not used them other than at seminars. I can tell you these chems out perform many competitors products.

I myself will be using these in the field more. Just too many people with great things to say about them not to ad them to my arsenal.

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this seems pretty informative, from the manufacturer website:

Nice link, Mole!

Haha thanks Larry! I try to help when I can!

Eacochem has a great website as far as info goes…

Well just wanted to thank you all for the help. The job today turned out awesome. I couldn’t believe how quickly One Restore removed the water spots. Just to get an idea of how much effort it would take to remove the water spots by hand, I scrubbed a portion of one window for 5 minutes with steel wool, and it barely did anything.

With One Restore all I did was spray it on the window, even the solution out with a white pad, let it sit for 30 seconds and then rinse off with a hose. Viola! Clean, smooth windows in seconds. Before I started, I honestly was skeptical that the water spots would disappear so easily. Now I owe myself a kick for even doubting this stuff’s effectiveness.

As a beginner, I can’t tell you how worried I was that I’d mess up, but it turned out so easy to use! Thanks again for all your tips, guys.

By the way, I should mentioned that I used HE MAN’s ratio of 3 parts water for every 1 part One Restore.

Glad it turned out well for you!

Good One :slight_smile:

[SIZE=4]Here are some videos that might help check it out.

[/SIZE][SIZE=4]One/Safe Restore by EaCo Chem to Clean Windows.(Now with CC) - YouTube[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]Scrubber to Applie Chemicals (Now with CC) - YouTube[/SIZE]