How would you handle this

Lol. The adjuster gets out of paying for a living. You’ll be ok.


Well said, sir

Talked to the insurance adjuster this afternoon. Told him everything that transpired. He said if I don’t hear back from him, then to forget it, and go on about my business.
We’ll see how the rest of this plays out.

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It should playout in your favor, I hope Garry!

Keep us/me updated on it… Have a great weekend man! :wink:

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Each situation is unique. But after hitting the reset button in 2010 we had 3 large claim issues.

  1. claimed we bent EVERY screen in her home, which I knew was wrong cause I have a memory and we’d worked for her for years. I stood up for us but stood behind our satisfaction promise. Get referrals from her, work for her 3 times a year and have made every penny back

…after getting all new screens she said “You know what, you might be right, I think I only replaced these two last year”

  1. Siding cleaning: paint changed color. Sent a guy out who turned out to be a great pw’er but I will never know the facts of what he did exactly. We paid 3k to have her home painted. Still work for her.

  2. Last year cleaning stamped concrete all the color stripped off. Ended up with one of the State most knowledgeable concrete guys. He was a hardass and straight to the point. He 100% cleared us of all liability. Frankly the client had been beyond rude up to that point, one of the “I have a very serious stressful jobs” kinda guy. I paid $1500 to have it fixed. Made it back in the fall with our typical work and brand new holiday light installation job.

Each situation is unique and up to us how we handle them.

Remember reading on here “A clients complaint is an opportunity to demonstrate you customer service” - Kevin D

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You didn’t actually make it back because it is work that was normally scheduled. You were out $4,500 plus the extra screens. Just a different perspective on that. Anyway, I get what you are saying. Like I mentioned earlier I could have worked with the guy and would have gotten another estimate to do the work as the price still seems outlandish, and I would have paid. I am just beyond a place in my life where bully tactics work on me. Lets discuss honest likely chain of events, and I am not afraid to take my responsibility where the chips fall. The money is there for anything I do - you don’t just get to take it because you want to.

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My Insurance Broker called me today to say he had followed up on the status of the claim. The insurance company paid it rather than spending way, way more to take it to court to prove I didn’t willy-nilly stand on the dudes spigot. Eventually they will contact me for the deductible. Meanwhile my Broker also told me my monthly rate is going down $3 this coming year. It’s not much but I’ll take it! Every little bit adds up. :slight_smile: