
Thank you

Yea Im not sure… I don’t really think I believe in branding all that much in the window cleaning industry. I don’t think we will be doing any at all… I just want it to look as generic as possible…

think about when you see a guy drinking a can of beer in the movies… Its just a white can with the word beer on the side… Thats what I want… So I guess you could consider that branding or un branding maybe…

egh Im not so sure… We have been doing routes for a long time, and I don’t think being better matters… It really just seems to come down to cost for store front. Cheapest price wins… I think I can do that and make it work.

Our current business is very small, its just 10% of the size of my old company. Its 4 - 6 guys, the manager and 5 trucks. I don’t intend to do anything at all with the company other than take a regular paycheck. If it grows great. But hopefully I won’t think about it for maybe more than an hour a month… If that.

The whole reason I sold it was in an effort to clean my life up of distractions so I can concentrate on WCR full time. WCR never feels like work… Its just kinda having fun all day… So I guess you can say, Ill probably never work again :slight_smile:

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Exactly! I don’t even want ladders. JUST Storefronts

[MENTION=1]Chris[/MENTION], will this affect the ability for us to get At Cost Printing through the WCRA? I know that’s a random and maybe silly question…but I was pretty concerned about it, so I just wanted to make sure.

I already asked the very same question. The answer Chris gave was “nope”

Not unless all the WCRA and PWRA members who use the program also sell their businesses and there is a huge decrease in volume.


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Sorry, just rephrasing what came from the horse’s mouth. Using the words “boring” and “bored” over and over gets…boring. Fast. See? This post has been made super boring and now I’m going to get dope slapped for not using alternatives to “boring” :wink:

Congrats Chris.

Seems like you’re gunning for a “Golden Ratio”: reducing the amount of headache to pay amount. For the more formal, I guess we’d be looking at better net profit via volume sales - less specialized equipment (WFP, power washer, GlassRenu plus all the equipment maintenance) and less constraints (liability waivers, one-time “custom” arrangements, residential customers with a mouth to complain and the OCD to fuel it). With what you said about ladders, it would make sense:

Follow the KISS principle and just let it run itself. No need to emphasize high-level sales methodologies/presentations (not so much, anyway): just put out a competitive price and do a good job that matches the price (no overcleaning/undercleaning). The McDonalds Model for window cleaning - consistent, fast, and easy for the sake of yielding volume, volume plus more volume:

Or maybe I have no idea what I’m talking about and you’re doing this with Alex:

Glad to hear that you’re able to get to that point. “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” - Confuscius.


I believe you can and will. You are correct Chris as it has been said hundreds of times on this forum…“Cheapest price Wins” in regards to storefront pricing.

“Duh” was my favorite part of this post


Chris Congratulations. I am so jealous. I can’t wait for the day I can move on. So what services will you be including in your store front business? Sorry if that was already asked and answered. I read the thread last night but did not get a chance to post til this morning.

Sort of sounds like he’s only going to be offering Storefront Window Cleaning

Hence the name " Store front Window cleaning "

It was certainly the most condescending part of it.

Yes I know it sounded like a dumb question considering the name, however there are other add on services that can be offered to a store front besides window cleaning (pressure washing, awning cleaning, scratc removal etc.). So even though I knew it would sound dumb I just wanted to verify that was for sure the case. I guarantee customers will ask if they need it, even with the name.

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Hey Chris what was it that you dis-liked the most about the window cleaning buisnes


Hey Dave

After doing it for years the biggest problem or issue I can trace everything back to is the seasonality of it.

On thing I didn’t mention was… one of the reasons I decided to sell it was… I kinda felt like I had done, everything I could with it. When I dreamed of the business years ago, I never really dreamed past the level it hit.

I thought for sure you were going to say employees,