I have to agree with buying the Window Cleaners Marketing Blue Print and getting a WCRA membership.
In my opinion, well worth it.
You get access to free flyers, direct mail cards, etc… Also, you get free access to Company Handbooks, System and Procedures, as well as many other business related material. Too bad they don’t provide a free website…I can really use one 

You might consider hooking up with someone outside of your market and offer to shadow them for a week or on weekends, whatever works best for you and them. Do it for free or offer to help them out on something you know how to do, like CPA.
I am getting back into window cleaning myself…it’s hard finding the right balance between getting all the “Office Stuff” going and getting out in front of potential customers. There is a lot of information and ideas here on the forum. There are a lot of helpful people here, too.
For me, pricing a job is still the hardest thing. I bid a liquor store yesterday for $15 outside only, with first time clean of $35…it was nasty dirty. Lady relied, “Last guy would clean it for a six pack.” At this point a lot of things went through my mind, but I said “I am a professional window cleaner. I am insured and licensed by the state. I don’t work for six packs. Now, I might be able to do it for a large bottle of Captain Morgan” That put a smile on her face. I don’t expect she will be calling…oh well, her loss.
As far as guides go, what are you looking for:
Starting a Business
How to clean windows
How to market
I have bought several in the past, they all basically say the same thing and a lot of it is location specific or job specific…and it is dated material.
As already mentioned, the WCMB is well worth buying for marketing and other things
How to clean windows, if you want a book to read, ‘Taking The Pane Out Of Window Cleaning’ by John Baxter
ISBN 0-9632123-1-1 96 pages 1992 ****It might be old, but no BS or Hype and it will help you troubleshoot your technique.
*** Youtube Rant Coming ***
I would suggest youtube, a lot of people here have some really good stuff on youtube, however for me it can be a huge time-waster and there is a lot of wrong stuff on there too. As someone just starting out it is hard discerning what is good information and what is basically an infomercial or a brag session. I love watching these well produced videos about the latest squeegees, but look closely, most of the time the windows are already clean. No chance of leaving anything behind.
I will make one suggestion to watch on youtube:
My personal favorite is He_Man, but I am a DIY kind of guy, his technique is awesome. Watching him move a long blade Sorbo around is impressive.
What is it you are asking help with?