Just went to do a bid. I’m pricing exterior at $3 and in/out at $5. Screens $3. So I go around and count 78 panes and screens total exterior for $234. The lady stops me right there and says she already has a bid for 199 from the biggest window cleaning company in town for in AND out. Am I pricing wrong or is there and advantage to pricing low general prices. Any advice? I figured the biggest company in town would have higher prices.
Not nessesarally. Maybe they’re just more accurate in their pricing for your market
If you complete on price alone, there will most likely always be someone lower.
For today, keep in mind that you’ll always lose some. Are you losing a lot of bids for being too high? If so, that is a problem.
Nah man, stick to your prices. You’ll find your people. Those who arent gonna squeeze you for $35.
Mostly I’m not losing bids but I think I am generally higher than most. Idaho is just a cheap place, most people looking for a deal.
What state are you located in?
their IN and OUT price was $199, his OUT ONLY price was $234, his IN and OUT price would have been $390
how many of your bids do you win? we harge the same for the windows but we throw in screen brushing for free, if they want the screens washed we charge $2 per screen, less that 1% of people opt for that.
Won’t squeeze you for $191.
I think you might be a little high but so am i sometimes, depends on if you really need the job or not.
If you’re like many window cleaning companies, you’ll find that “most people” are not your ideal customers.
Your prices confuse me a bit, but if I follow, you seem in line with what many others are charging. I’m currently at $14 for a double hung in & out with screen wash. $8 for a casement panel.
If you don’t lose some bids, you’re probably too cheap.
Yeah, you’re a little high for my area ($12 dh + screens) but not that far off.
Big companies might do it cheaper because they need more work to keep the beast fed.
This is one of my first bids lost. I’m in Idaho. I’ve been charging 2.50 per pane exterior, and $4 in n out. But just tried a price raise to $3 exterior and $5 in n out. All the videos I’ve been watching I’ve seen way higher prices so I don’t know. I think I’ll go back down to 2.50 for a minute
But this was a referral from a friend and he told her I’m the best and I walked in and her response was immediately a price battle. So I guess she’s looking for price not quality.
What kind of windows? 78 panes of cut ups, double hung, or casement?
Because 78 panes at $3 per pane is $234; no screens.
If she found someone who will clean her windows for $2.55 per pane…Wait, is that a double hung that has two panes per window? Then $5.10 per window is fair but are screens free?
Pardon me, I get a little confused with a per pane price, because a cut up 6 pane x 3 pane window would be 18 panes at $54.00.
Didn’t we have a Jargon post recently?
I can’t understand what you’re saying. but I talked to a few local window cleaning buddies and got some good info:
It’s around here some where, maybe it behind the recliner…
Garry’s description pricing chart is way better…
Thats the post below …
Define your per pane pricing.
Yeah I’ve been charging 3 for all of it. If it’s small; it’s 3. If it’s big, it’s three. It all evens out. I had a few French pane sizes but also had some very big ones. 2nd floor and 1st floor the same, all 3 dollars. Occasionally if it’s a ginormous one I count it as two panes. Or if I have to Spider-Man up to it