Safe/one restore question

Not much going on in the land of Jersey other then fighting all the dumbasses who have takin a vacation at the beach. So I’m going to clean my roof today. Has anyone every used safe restore for cleaning a roof? I was thinking of giving it a try. I don’t clean windows anymore, but my employees have been raving about the stuff.

Weird I got this very question from a roof cleaning contractor…

I told him to test an area. In theory it may work but I cant say for sure… We use the extra strength bleach for roofs. ( or will when our new service launches next week)

Ray you may want to check out this new subforum I made last week:

When you ask a roof cleaning question there… The system alerts AC Lockyer - One of the worlds leading experts on roof cleaning. He built a tremendous roof cleaning business. - He will respond asap and give you a super educated answer.

Figured the shore would be slammed crowded today… overcast today down by you?

Don’t know about one restore on a roof. Our roof cleaning mixture is for a 45 gal mix is

15 gals 12.5% sh
30 gals of water
1 quart talon you can use dawn for this.

We use a 7 gal per minute pump for this.

Give me a call if you have any questions. I should be around most of the day.

How are you guys getting roofs clean with twice as much water as bleach? I have mine almost 50/50 before it’ll clean with no pressure

30 - 35% sh works on the majority of roofs up here. Every once in a while we need to go to 50%

Maybe this thread should be moved over to “roof cleaning”, so AC can be alerted and chime in on this?

Even if it did work, it would be expensive and probably eat up your pump. Stick with the tried and true SH.

[QUOTE=Has anyone every used safe restore for cleaning a roof? I was thinking of giving it a try.[/QUOTE]

Because we’re not using store bleach. We’re using commercial 12% sodium hypochlorite.

If you’re using 12% and it takes that much then you’re not getting fresh stuff. That’s a big problem in a lot of areas. I can get 12% here but by the time I get it it has that not-so-fresh feeling. I have to drive 170 round trip to get the really hot stuff.

Ray, unless you have barrels of free One Restore laying around the living room I would suggest using the cheaper, proven solution. Runoff will be an issue for you and it’s a lot easier to deal with sodium hypochlorite solution that can be rinsed off and will biodegrade rapidly than hydrochloric acid solution running down the sides of your house and windows.

This is not a do-it-yourself job for most people, so if you decide you want to let a pro do it and check it out let me know and I’ll put you in touch with someone in your area that knows what they’re doing.

Thanks for all the replies guys. I gave it a shot yesterday and it did not do a great job. It did get some of the rust off from the tv antenna that was on the house. I need to replace the roof soon so I figured I would give it a shot. I was thinking of putting it as an ad on last year but was never able to get my xjet to work correctly. Well when roof replacement time comes, it’s black shingles lol.

Using an xjet or downstreaming will not work for roof cleaning as you can not get a strong enough solution on the roof. We use a fatboy pump setup and a 65 gal tank for our solution. a lot of guys are using larger tanks. For the most part we clean our average roof using 45 gals of solution. As roof cleaning is only a small part of our business we buy 12% sh in 15 gal containers that we can carry on our trailer.

Our fatboy just got delivered…

I’ve got the 12.5%, I guess its not as fresh as what you get, Thad. They guarantee 10% but I don’t know how I would know the true %. Its definitely stronger than store bleach though. I got a pump, but theoretically if someone had x-jetted straight 12.5%, wouldn’t it be about 30% chem after it run through the x-jet. Its a dumb way to do it, but wouldn’t it work?

Don’t forget the TSP.

Have never used tsp in some states it is banned. A lot of roof cleaners are not using tsp in their mix.

Chris I’m sure you will like the fatboy. Did you get the accumulator with it? If not get one it makes it so much easier to use.

larry I’m not familiar at all with xjets. Can only tell you what I have read on other forums about the xjet not working. I don’t think I would be wanting to walk around someone’s yard with bucket of 12%sh that’s a disaster waiting to happen.

If you have hot Love and a low gpm machine you might get the mix strong enough but it would be waaaaay too much pressure.

Forget the TSP.

The use of an additive like “Green Wash” can reduce your bleach consumption by as much as 40%. On a 100 gallon mix you can reduce your bleach from 50 gallons to 30 gallons. If you are paying $2.00 a gallon for bleach that would be a $40.00 savings.


Then you are not buying FRESH Sodium Hypochlorite, or waiting long enough for it to clean a roof. You need to find a local place known for selling fresh SH. The Roof Cleaning Institute Forum has several West Texas Roof Cleaners who may be able to assist you in getting the good chit.

There are no roof cleaners in West Texas lol. Maybe east central Texas but none in the west. We do have a list of SH / Bleach companies you can buy from over at SoftWash Systems The Community
