Shoe covers or shoes off

The blue throw away plastic covers can be a bit of a pain when wet…plastic does not absorb water ! so foot prints are possible if your not careful… we all drip a a few drops below don´t we unless your Jesus of course … yes the booty boots get a bitdirty but you can wash them … i have never lost a customer because she said my booty boot covers at the bottom look a little grey… " would you like your windows cleaned this month Mrs Bloggs ? " " no we do not require your service any more sir your booty boots are grey on the bottom " if my life gets to the point where people are worrying about the color of the soles of my booty boots then its time to get another job or "BOOT " that customer into touch.

Hey John,

I get your drift Brother…But isn’t Germany very picky about the cleaning their cleaners preform ? From what I’ve learned, the German Cleaners are some of the best in the world because of the standard of their industry !

Also wasn’t the sectional ladder first designed there? I think I saw a picture of some German women caring wood sectionals and a bucket back in the 30’s !

Take care John and work safe !

Dangerous Dave

Hi Dave yes your right there dave… but its not that bad… like anywhere if your not doing the job right you will know soon enough either through a phone call or a direct from the horses mouth … but yeh Germans can be picky basta-ds just like the Brits and the Yanks ! and you sometimes you say to yourself as the customer gets a little extreme ( you cannot get blood from a stone love ! )

So i guess thats why i try and stick to the same cleaning method and system to avoid Complaints ( baring in mind the only complaint i get is that i am too quick but thats also very rarely) but most pay up and are very happy indeed . So normally if someone is not up to scratch they learn quickly otherwise they will be for ever changing jobs…

Basically the motto goes do a good job and then next time is easier . because what you do not clean the first time stays for the next clean because Dirt has not got legs or a brain :-). ( saying that i guess if you looked under a microscope you would say what i just said is bullsh-t )
I am Not sure about the ladders dave but i use them sectionals myself nearly every day for at least one job … they are heavy but good ( light ladders would be a risk possibly in strong wind…) and when climbing and descending there is no risk of tripping or missing a rung because all the rungs are in line with each other. " 2 rungs do not make a right " lol

We wear throw away shoe covers from Home Depot. The Blue plastic kind are slip hazards on smooth surfaces. The white one’s from home depot have more of a fabric feel and grip a little better. I almost slipped and fell down some stairs with bucket of water in a customers home.

I like the idea of buying house shoes for the whole crew instead. They cost about $10 and looke pro. They will probably last all summer if only worn inside customer homes. :slight_smile: GREAT IDEA SETH!!!

Shoe covers. No shoes is just ghetto.

I use these. They’re great.

Hmmmm…We’ve done the sock thing for years. I did get the disposable blue covers once but they were getting so dirty before even finishing that we’d be taking them off when going onto cleaner floors that it seemed to be a waste. Probably just a coincidence. But the ones with traction sound like a good idea.

Throw away shoe covers, walking with socks…hate that.

Walking around in the client’s house in your socks doesn’t scream “upscale service business”.
Use a brand new pair of shoe covers for every house. If you can’t afford a new pair every time [U]raise your prices[/U]. If your shoes are too muddy to put shoe covers over then [B]bring another pair of shoes to wear inside[/B]. If you can’t afford another pair of shoes [U]raise your prices[/U].
The devil is in the details.
So is the profit.

How many guys are you putting shoe covers on? We run 9 or ten guys through 3 or 4 houses a day for 7 months out of the year. That would be 5040 pairs of shoe covers. I’ve never had a customer complain about us wearing socks in their house. Most of the time they tell us not to bother, but we do anyway. It may not scream upscale service business but it does say we care about your home. Its faster and more convenient to just take shoes off in my opinion. I don’t think shoe covers are what makes us an upscale service business.

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I should have prefaced my post with a “IMNSHO”.
I would worry more about making sure 10 guys had clean socks every day, but that’s just me.

Plus, I’ve been in some really nice houses with some seriously squishy areas of carpet!

We had a 9000 sf home that was really nice, till you found out that their cat was using a carpeted room in the basement as a backup litter box, and yes I managed to step on a dry one with socks on. :frowning:

It is a worry and we do carry shoe covers on the truck, just in case of swamp foot. We do have a few houses, usually cat owners, were we do not remove our shoes. We have had a customer insist we wear the shoe covers they provided. Just like most things in the industry there is no right or wrong, but whatever works for you is best.

IMNSHO either one is a sign that you care for and respect your client and their property which is a definite sign of an upscale service business.

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We take our shoes off and carry clean socks in the truck. We are upfront with the homeowner that if there is any ladder work inside we do wear our shoes on the ladder for safety.
There have been a few instances where the house is absolutely disgusting where I have told the guys to put there shoes back on before we all have to get tetanus shots at the end of the day.
There was also one day I refused to put my sneakers back because of my socks getting so gross from animal urine all over the house (I couldnt put my finger on the smell that overwhelmed you when you walked in until it was to late). I washed my feet in a bucket, put clean socks on and then wore my shoes the rest of the day, before ultimately washing the bottom of those too before leaving. I threw my disgusting brand new socks away in their garbage.

I like shoe covers but the more I listen to the shoes off people the better it sounds.

On more than one occasion I have gone out to my truck with my shoe covers on by accident. If I have done it, is it safe to assume that employees would do it?

Shoes on, shoes off. Seems simple to me and much easier to manage. The guys won’t forget to put their shoes on when they go out to the truck and walking around someone’s house with their shoes on would probably just feel wrong.

Hey Mat,
I guess we were typing our posts at the same time. I just read your post and that’s a deal breaker for me. I’m keeping my shoes on. I’m surprised that you still go shoeless after that experience. Ha Ha

if you do not want to wear shoes in the house then take some slippers or extra clean sandles with ankle straps …

Someone posted on a previous shoe cover thread that they used a dedicated pair of Crocs indoors.

We have never used the shoe covers, we always take our shoes off, but its difficult to climb ladders inside w/o shoes on. Ive had the cable guy use the disposable ones on a wet rainy day but they became wet too and got my carpet dirty. I cant stand someone walking on my carpet in my house with shoes on…one of my pet peeves. But dont the covers become dirty from climbing the ladders inside, my ladder rungs usually arent very clean. i have to agree that the covers seem more professional tho, may have to give them a try.