Shoe covers or shoes off

I use some Winmate overshoes or a dedicated indoor pair of shoes for groddy situations.

We use a clean pair of shoes plus shoe covers. The disposable shoe covers are not used to contain dirt and mud. They are used as part of the customer service experience.

been observing this thread for a while. Just put on the stinkin covers. You never are blamed for tracking in mud or some other stain and people like the respect shown to their property

Our Clients love’m & they look kinda funny.

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I googled “Winmate overshoes” and didn’t find them:(

I use my head when it comes to shoe covers. I’d say that I use them in most instances and after reading this thread I’ll probably bump up the usage. I use booty boots from WCR. They’re less likely to tear so I can be a little aggressive when pulling them on while standing. I do on occasion make a trip outside with them. I just use my head y’know.

They do look goofy to the unaccustomed eye but customers to appreciate them.

They are needful when using a ladder indoors as it’s too painful otherwise.

Sorry all; I meant Winspray.

Those are definitely an alternative boot cover worth knowing about. They look more durable than booty boots yet maybe less breathable.

I love the Booty Boots. They are washable and very, very durable. They also don’t attract lint, dust, fur, and dirt like the blue disposable shoe covers do, so it’s not like you have to wash them every day. I’d say I wash them once a month or so. I just throw them in with my towels and let air dry.

I personally bring crock type rubber clogs with me to the house. I keep them in the van. The soles are smooth and I keep the perfectly clean. I slip off my shoes at the front porch, lean in and put the crocks on the ground and then hop into them. If you have a ton of mud on your regular shoes, it seems like booty covers will be hard pressed to contain them. People are always happy when they see me bring my crocks with me, plus they never touch the ground outside so they are always clean. My feet sweat like crazy and I think it would be pretty gross if I walked around on their oriental rugs in my sweaty socks. I like to keep it clean :slight_smile:

Not with the Booty Boots. I can attest to that. I’ve done a number of jobs where our feet have been caked with mud> Of course we knock off as much as we can before putting the Booty Boots on, but they do contain the mud.

Crocs are certainly nice, but the soles aren’t hard enough for me if I have to climb a ladder inside, especially a sectional with round rungs.

I tried using a dedicated pair of 'inside’shoes.
They did not have the impact that white slip-on covers did.

These are what I like to use. Its a great feeling working in your slippers.

I prefer the shoe covers. Standing on ladder rungs bare foot is kinda painful on the feet and I don’t prefer to do it. ;D

I would have to shoe covers for sure. get cheap shoe covers at Shoe Covers | Disposable Shoe Cover | Disposable Booties

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Alwyas shoe covers. I won’t go without boots as I have to climb ladders or step ladder in the house and it’s safer with shoes on. My customers always seem to appreciate the care we take to keep their house clean.

HAHA…Should have done the switch-o change-o behind the back and had them choose which was which…LOL

I used to do the shoes off shuffle but found socks on hardwood floor would be slippery. Then went to the disposable shoe coverings and they were no better. Save yourself the time and potential embarrassing land on your asz and get yourself a pair of booty boots. I love them… and they match the color of my truck.

Booty boots for us!

Blue disposable sho covers. Customers see a level of proffesionalism. I had a friend who’s parents had a window cleaner for many years and one time he draged in dirt. They never called him back again. This guy cleaned there window’s for many years and all it took was that one time & now no more.